Help?!? Fish Dying From ?


New Member
Apr 26, 2012
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Ok hi guys. I have lost a lot if my little angels. They are not little but still. Almost tripe the size of a quarter. This is what happens. First the angel is just fine. The next day it has a huge red mark and a yellowish looking blob on/in it. Within the next two days the fish will die. I have lost almost 10 fish from this. The other thing that is happening is that two of my other angels got what looked like worms. They both have now died. But they had them for awhile. All of the angels have died in a separate tanks but maybe two. Now the last fish. He has what looks like patches where he is missing his scales. But they are raised. Also looks like he has ich but he doesn't. Or at least it's not spreading and he has had it for awhile. He is in a 10g with a angel with a ?. Help please? I only have a few of the smaller angels left. And yes, I have posted in other places but no one knows what it is!
can you tell us more info, size of tank, water stats, other tank mates? im no expert on angels but i have heard they get agressive and do better in just pairs do you think the injuries you describe could be from agression
The tank is a 75g. It is not from aggression. My angels are very peaceful. The water temp is 80-82, the hardness is 40ppm, the pH is 7.2, the ammonia is 0. They have tank mates of rummy nose tetras, two kribs, two glass catfish, a couple of BN plecos, and 6 zebra danios. This is my grow out tank.

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