Hey everyone, I could use some ideas for choosing my last set of fish for my 90l. At the moment I have 7 neon tetra, 7 lampeye killifish and 5 cory catfish. I'm really looking for something bigger then what I have, a centre piece fish which is also very peaceful, I think I'm at my stocking limits so I don't want more then 3, 1 or 2 would be ideal.
I was thinking about a single gourami, they are great looking fish but I have heard they can be quite aggressive. The fish I have in are so happy and peaceful, so I really don't want any bully fish in there disturbing that!
Any ideas would be appreciated thanks!
I was thinking about a single gourami, they are great looking fish but I have heard they can be quite aggressive. The fish I have in are so happy and peaceful, so I really don't want any bully fish in there disturbing that!
Any ideas would be appreciated thanks!