Help Choosing My Last Few Fish, Any Ideas?


Mostly New Member
May 10, 2014
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Hey everyone, I could use some ideas for choosing my last set of fish for my 90l. At the moment I have 7 neon tetra, 7 lampeye killifish and 5 cory catfish. I'm really looking for something bigger then what I have, a centre piece fish which is also very peaceful, I think I'm at my stocking limits so I don't want more then 3, 1 or 2 would be ideal.
I was thinking about a single gourami, they are great looking fish but I have heard they can be quite aggressive. The fish I have in are so happy and peaceful, so I really don't want any bully fish in there disturbing that!
Any ideas would be appreciated thanks!
If you like gouramis, your best bet would probably be a honey gourami. They stay really small and are very docile, I just got one in my 15 gallon community and it gets along great with my other fish.
I had a single male dwarf gourami in my 100l at one point, which wasn't spectacularly aggressive towards the other species.
I can vouch for either the Dwarf Gourami or Honey Gourami. The honey will most certainly be the most peaceful but the dwarf should be just as good with the other fish you have at the moment. Any flowing and colourful tail fins, though, and he might have a go!

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