Hello Friends!

Oct 29, 2020
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It’s been a very long time.

I hope all is well with you’s and your’s.

Anyone who remembers me from a time ago knows that I’ve moved to the east coast of Canada.

I’d like to unfortunately update you all that the aquarium hobby is not one that I can afford right now, monetarily or time wise.

I miss it dearly. But between my significant other, our now two cats, a dog, three boys, work, maintaining a couple acres and setting aside time for other activities… it’s just not doable.

I have set myself a deadline though, I hope to be up and running by the end of fall.

Until then, I just wanted to drop a line, say hi to old friends and new… wish everyone the best.

I’ve got a new lifestyle, it’s an adjustment, but things are going well. I just started casually searching classifieds for tanks and tank supplies. Reminded me of you all, so I wanted to drop a line.

Stay safe, be well. 👍

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