heater for 2.5 gallon tank

I dont know if you have a big als near you but there was one there I saw that I was going to get for a 2.5 gallon tank. I cant think of the brand though.. Sorry I couldnt be more of a help :)
Thanks! I might get the neptune, as they have them at my Petsmart. However, just to keep my options open, does anyone know of a fully-submersible one (with a thermostat)?
I'm using a little 6 " Hagen Radiant 25W , in a 2 1/2 gal emergency tank.About $9.00 . Works good .
Everyone proley knows this , but you really want to moniter a small tank and heater like this closely for the first week, preferably w/o fish in it. Cause you can quickly cook them in so small a tank.
Luck with your tank :)
No it's an old style hang on the side model, Works good though and easy to adjust .
Saw some fairly inexpensive submersable heaters on Jehmco Pump site the other day," Made In Germany", I don't know if that still means what it used to mean, but I ordered one to try it out.
I use the Newatinno Plus 15W heater. £18.99 is Fully Sumersible and stays @ a Constant Temp.

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