I set up my 30 gal fish tank this weekend and I was really excited to get my fish (But cycle first) but still pretty excited for fish 
So I was talking to the SO about what fish I wanted to get, showing him pictures to see if he thought they were pretty.
Well he came home yesterday all proud of himself for remembering their names and what they looked like.
Thank goodness he did't get my entire stock plan, just the ones he thought were prettiest and that I wanted most.
But now I have 2 female dwarf gourami and 8 small neon tetras in my fully uncycled 30 gal.
I hadn't even finished decorating the tank, I had planned to treat myself this weekend and go buy some plants
So my tank is filled with all the fake plants and clay pots and such that I had stored in the basement
So I guess I'm doing a fish in cycle.
I'm testing the water daily, waiting for the ammonia spikes and such..
But I was curious as to what the symptoms of ammonia poisoning are?
I'm fully expecting some fin rot and possibly some ick due to stress, but ammonia poisoning is something I've only really head about.
I was also wondering if there is anything else to watch out for, and what to do if I happen to notice symptoms
So I was talking to the SO about what fish I wanted to get, showing him pictures to see if he thought they were pretty.
Well he came home yesterday all proud of himself for remembering their names and what they looked like.
Thank goodness he did't get my entire stock plan, just the ones he thought were prettiest and that I wanted most.
But now I have 2 female dwarf gourami and 8 small neon tetras in my fully uncycled 30 gal.
I hadn't even finished decorating the tank, I had planned to treat myself this weekend and go buy some plants
So my tank is filled with all the fake plants and clay pots and such that I had stored in the basement
So I guess I'm doing a fish in cycle.
I'm testing the water daily, waiting for the ammonia spikes and such..
But I was curious as to what the symptoms of ammonia poisoning are?
I'm fully expecting some fin rot and possibly some ick due to stress, but ammonia poisoning is something I've only really head about.
I was also wondering if there is anything else to watch out for, and what to do if I happen to notice symptoms