Have You Ever Looked At Your Tank


Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
Don't get me wrong. I'm loving my tank right now. The green water is like 95% gone. The plants are going strong. But I feel like something is out of place.

Tell me what you think... is there anything you would change? What can I do in there?

All suggestions and critisism are very welcome.
I think you should send it to me and fix my tank instead!!!

The plants in the back are different species, but they're all the same height, which makes them look like a wall behind the driftwood, and its accentuated by the even level of the shorter plants in front. I would try to make a more grandual change from one side to the other, or from the front to the back to get rid of the "wall" look.

Maybe pile the driftwood in a spot just left or right of center? It also adds to the wall look because its evenly distributed throughout.
Hi. How about adding some rocks? You have lots of plants, lots of wood, maybe some rocks would break it up some more and give you another focal point.
I'd be well happy with a tank like that. As said above, maybe really fill out the far right hand corner with something realy thick and green like Hygro or something?

It's nice though, looks great.
I'd go with a sloping gradient. Fill out the back right, shorten the plants on the far left. This will help conceal your equipment too.
Nice tank canoechiq, evryone is the same with their own tanks lol, just like everyone has a certain tastes in setup. Personaly i think everything is a tad central,but i like the flowing plants, reminds me of kelp beds.
keep up the good work.
wow what a stunning tank :drool:

The only thing I'd do is lower your CO2 ladder to the bottom of the tank
as this will help more of the CO2 to be absorbed in the water.
wow what a stunning tank :drool:

The only thing I'd do is lower your CO2 ladder to the bottom of the tank
as this will help more of the CO2 to be absorbed in the water.

took the words right out of my mouth.

looking much better than when i last saw it jen. but i agree the ladder needs to go to the bottom of the back pane. the plants will then conceal it nicely.
Thanks for all the compliments guys. It's very reassuring. The right corner is bare right now because I took a couple of the red plants out and put them on the left side. I would like the make the right side nice and bushy. A few different species... any suggestions? I like the one I have there - the red. I can't remember the name, but I love the colour. It's a little leggy at the bottom... but that's because they are too close together.

I have moved the ladder down... I needed to do that anyway since the bubbles aren't totally dissolving in it anyway.

I think eventually I will have to pull the foreground plant. I bought it thinking it only grew to 2 inches, and upon further research I found it can grow to 18! I need more of a dwarf hairgrass or something.

That pic is about a week old, and since then, the val on the left side has grown a bit. I got the EI going again, so that has helped. Once that takes off again, the left side will be very full.

Keep the ideas coming. They are helping me tons!
The only thing you could do different is send the tank to me and all the fish to. :hey: I think it is awsome I wouldnt change anything..Just the owner LOL :D Very nice tank. I really do like it..I really wasnt kidding when I said you could send it to me either... :rolleyes:
I auctually like this tank, id also be slow to pull the foreground plant just yet, i like the little colour accents, perhaps one or two more of those would be good, but nothing more than, that just one or two more, i think its very natural looking and there really isnt much i could suggest right now tbh, i like it as it is.

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