Has Anyone Heard Of These?


1 Woman Army ;)
Nov 20, 2011
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A newly opened fish seller is selling "red peru cory" £5.99 each. I can't find it on planet catfish. I have pm'd Ian Fuller but am awaiting a reply about a scientific or real name for them. 
Anyone heard of these?
Have you tried google hun there are some pics on the websites there just looked for you have a look on aquascape fish imports unfortunately haven't seen any price tags
I don't know if it's the red lasers. It sometimes says corydoras aeneus red cory. I don't know lol. 
The ones on live aquatics are £9.50 each but no image. 
Ah thanks for that, yeah that's them! I have ordered 2 and I will get another 2 next week as they are £5.99 each lol. 
Yeah its not cheap is it haha
I'm still trying to find Adolfoi corys for less than £8 each with no  joy :(
meandmykribs said:
Yeah its not cheap is it haha
I'm still trying to find Adolfoi corys for less than £8 each with no  joy
The adolfoi are gorgeous, there was a cory convention with Ian fuller at the start of the month in a town near me I wasn't able to go but he had his adolfoi with him, the next one he's going to is in lancs-are you near there?
It's the catfish study group convention lecture & sales meet.
It's being held on Sunday at Derwent hall in Darwen, have a look on the CSG site
Yeah it's on corydoras land on fb too,  It's too far for me to travel down to :(
I am a lot further north than most people lol I am in scotland.
I know :( sitting up here myself lol. Everyone else is down south. 
The fish site is going to place the order on monday and because it's just down the road they are delivering it to me for nothing :D should have them by thursday!

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