Happy Tropical Shrimp

May 11, 2013
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I am a relative new comer to this hooby. I bought all my stock from a shop in central London and yesterday was asked a few questions by customers, a couple, who said I should post my advice. I have never posted anything anywhere so this is a first. I have been keeping fish and shrimp properly for just over one year in a 80cm tank with a total of 63 current happy chappies including fish and shrimps. I was asked outside the shop to try and give an answer to the question: How long should shimps last? They said ours and our friends shrimps often die within months and they said they seemed not able to get a correct or direct answer from anyone. 
My first answer was that I simply dont know. I have found a few shrimp die on me but thats about it. This is what I have, as far as I am aware:
5 crystal reds
3 pinochio
7 babolti either black with brown stripes or clear with black stripes (birthed in tank, cross bred elsewhere, shop?)
1 crystal black
1 blue tiger
2 yellow
3 amano
2 blueish green also babolti 
1 blue
The bottom line is that your filter system should be suitably mature. I didnt go for shrimp for 6 months I have an eheim pro 3 under a 80cm wide tank in the unit cupboard. This is much larger than the tank requires and I hardly EVER touch it except to stop flow during water changes. It has been off just once when I cracked a glass inflow pipe during cleaning. I change 20% of the water every week to ten days. I have ada substrate, the works,  plus a sandy beach section with a piece of wood that looks like a small island and volcano. It has a plant attached and we call it Shrimp Heaven as it provides much needed privacy and a sense of security. It is dfntly home for them. 
The planting is simple and easy. I use normal water and easylife water treatment. I add some ada fertiliser but not every day or even week. I also add each week nano crusta fit and occasionally drop in a dried palm leaf which I have been told is good for water chemistry with shrimps.  Occasional liquid co2 when I remember. 
I feed shrimp cuisine, sinking wafers, algea wafers, tetramin flakes and some live or frozen. very mixed. 
I have successfully bred 5 crystal reds but made one huge error!! I checked the forums and felt it safe to add 2 Khuli Loaches. They didnt touch a shrimp until one day I did some planting and substrate movement. That night they massacred nine shrimps inc all babies. I removed them the next day with the help of my son. The only loach you can keep with shrimp is the Chinese Panda Loach : end of. I have four.
I hope this is of some help to anyone who is interested.
Any chance you can upload some pictures of your setup?
Not easy to upload as many pics as i would like, need to get techy with flikr IMG_0155.JPG or something. Anyway here you go, hope this helps

That was weird. Pics everywhere. Anyway tried again. I also have an Aqua one nano 30. I used wrong substrate and didnt like plant growth. 
I am re doing next week with ADA again. I am also adding some extra ceramic type filtre media. It will have wood, stone, moss, a few other plants.
I was going to go co2 with this and have kit but decided against this. This weeks fishkeepers monthly has a good article about a shrimp keeper who recommends lower temps and other things. 
I am going to try for this new nano shrimparium. I doubt i will put anything in it for a good eight weeks, though I can prime with water from my other tank as dfntly good. Patience is everything though. My very first tank with in built filtre was a disaster and everyone perished. 
Suggest u also buy Nano Aquaria as a good book regardless of tank size.


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Thanks for the compliment Fish Addict. I myself nearly became Shrimpaholic but managed to see reason at the last minute and set a top price of shrimps at £20  (a very rare spend too). I so far struggle to see the point in spending 50 or eighty squid (ha ha) on them. I did see perfect black bees last week for 80 but still no. I heard blue bolts were in stock but colour was poor. Those couldve tipped me if right. I shall try photobucket thanks. I am actually quite tekky, i think i just have an inbuilt resistance to shinking pics when the camera is so good even though for on line i know theyre fine. My 4 panda's cost me 50 each but that was love at first sight.  I am so tempted to get even 2 more to see if / how their behaviour changes. If I get a new big order at work will prob do so. 
So an invite to write about my stalled nano revamp. I shall make it so new friend. 
Haha Happy - welcomed you to TFF in your other thread!
"Fish Addict" is actually called Shelster - the member's name is at the top of the post and the experience level is above the avatar/picture. So your experience level on here is New Member and Shelster is a Fish Addict.
Agree with Shelster it would be nice to see some pictures as you go along so I'll keep an eye on your other thread.
Might be worth you putting the link to that thread in here so that people can have a look if they wish.
Good luck!
Awesome :) and yes as Mamashack said, I'm Shelster :D

Look forward to the thread happy shrimp keeper :D
Hello and 
to the forum!!
Love the pics!  Sounds like you have a great setup.  I can guarantee that you will have tons of fun and learn a lot on TFF!
Too kind too kind. Actually need a tidy up as had to remove a plant and now substrate has been blown onto by the beach by the current. Baby shrimp been in the way but will soon be able to sort. Gotta lay down some more madly expensive Mekong River Gravel ( Dear ADA if Mr Amano is not available please make sure a monk has blessed this gravel for a week AND kept it under his bed ) and add some more lovely cheap sand. I am leaving a little more algae than normal on the glass now for the panda's and might add something like Micromanthemum umbrosum to far side as it doesn't need Co2 or mad lights and am missing a little small bushiness. Have also cut down on sinking wafers for now as 2 of the amano's getting way too big to the point that they might end up back in the shop. Look like a cross between alien and predator when feeding. Thank god Ive not got them making whoopee.  Last count=
8 wild green tetras
6 black phantom tetras
8 rainbow fish
3 rainbow fish
4 panda loaches
4 otocinclus
5 tenga half beaks
5 crystal reds
3 pinnochio
7 babolti, 2 black and striped 5 clear and striped- born in tank
1 crystal black
1 blue tiger
2 yellow
3 amano
2 blueish green babolti
1 blue pearl
The 3 rainbows Ive never seen anywhere else, cant get a decent pic but have matured into something quite amazing for a £4 fish. Even normal rainbows are brill and flaring like mad and zipping around. 
Tried a different method of feeding tdy, hid an algae wafer in a bush but visible, dropped in 4 sinking pellets and a few flakes 5 mins later. Have tempted out almost every shrimp in tank. Only my 2 yellows hiding for a week now. Hope they're at it. Got more new baby Babolti too. This is getting mad. Interestingly after long period of stopping the pellets the amanos stopped being so greedy and have spent more time in back round chilling out rather then running about like Aliens

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