Hair Algae?

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If bristlenose pleco is really hungry, they eat them. (I forgot to feed them vegetables for about a week, and I accidentally found this out). Other than that, you need to hand-wash them off the objects, unfortunately.
Amano shrimps are known to eat them too - but I never managed to keep shrimps alive - they all dissapear so I assume when they molt, they become food, despite I created alot of space for them to hide.... :angry:
You can try using mollys, barbs, SAEs, Ottos and Amano shrimp. Most of them will eat it if its not too long. So if you do an initial cleaning up jobbie the fish will help you do the rest and keep it clean from then onwards :)
I used an anti-hair algae treatment called algae control by interpet - worked very well and didn't harm the fish or bacteria.
If it is the long stringy kind (hair algae, as opposed to the shorter beard algae which only grows a couple inches), then it can be easily removed by twirling it around an old toothbrush or filter brush, like wrapping cotton candy around a cone. It will pop it off at the attachment point and you can remove the whole strand this way, no broken pieces to grow back. I used this method diligently for about 2 weeks (daily removing all that i could see) and completly eradicated a serious infestation of the stuff from my tank.
Only thing that ever worked for my huge hair algae problem was getting 3 siamese algae eaters. Make sure you get the siamese not the chinese, since the chinese might be aggressive to your fish

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