Guppy Stuck On Her Side, Help!


Mostly New Member
Aug 8, 2013
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Hi, my guppy Charlotte gave birth two days ago and this morning she's floating on the top on her side, struggling to straighten up. I did notice she had stringy poo yesterday and treated the tank for internal bacteria as I had lost another female guppy last week to the same (but she never went on her side...she bloated up with dropsy and had been moved to the hospital tank).

Charlotte looks ok externally but she is kind of bent to one side and it's the area near her anus that is floating highest. I added some salt this morning, but I don't know what else to do. This seems so weird to have come on so suddenly overnight.

Stringy poo is normally an indicator of internal parasites, rather than bacteria. Most fish medications are poisonous to fish, but administered in a dose that will kill the bacteria but not the fish. The fish feels grotty, but it is compensated for by the fact that the bacteria is no longer making the fish feel grotty. In this case, it could be that the fish feels grotty but without the compensation of the parasites going.
It could also be that the bacteria medication has knocked out the bacteria in your filter.
What are your current ammonia, nitrite, nitrate readings?
Could also be dropsy.Or ammonia poisoning. the meds can and will kill good bacs in your filter media
Oh, so there is some different medication for internal parasites? I thought it was the same thing. She's not doing well and I suspect will pass on today, and now it sounds like I've messed up my filter too. Ugh, this fish keeping stuff is hard. Gonna test my levels right now and will post again.
Hi, just tested:

Ammonia- closest to 0.0
Nitrite- closest to 0.0
Nitrate- 0ppm

I say closest to because I do have a tiny touch of green in ammonia and pink in nitrite test tube, but that is normal as I presume that is not yet processed by the filter.
I have a 60ltr tank and do 10 or 20ltr water changes twice a week (just to syphon up the poop and dead leaves, it gets messy).
Well, she died yesterday. Poor girl. I need to get some clove oil so I can euthanise in future if it seems necessary.

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