Growing Plants Emersed.


drive it like you stole it.
Mar 10, 2011
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Doire, Eire
I'm breaking down a few tanks in order to make way and money for a salty set up so that means I'll also have some extra space. I wish to try growing emersed, I'm just not sure what plants I can grow in this way.
I've heard Amazon swords, HC, various mosses and that's about it. I'm pretty sure stems may not work but I may be wrong.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Most plants will grow emersed, nearly all stems, all Crypts, Anubias, most plants will to be honest.
What's the best substrate? Soil? What type?
theres only a few that are true aquatic...Blyxa, Bolbitis and thats all i can think of out of popular plants lol!
Its funny as my Blyxa wont grow, it just melts lol, keeps going brown.
What's the best substrate? Soil? What type?

There is no 'best' substrate, it all depends on what you want to do.
I swear by flourite covered with 2cm of gravel or sand, especially for swords/anything with roots in the ground lol. :good:
Forgot about this thread - IMO for a "best" substrate you want something that will facilitate getting plenty of oxygen to the roots. As has been said above, it depends what you're looking for, such as if you're running water through the substrate then simply oxygenating the main water supply will accomplish this. If you manufacture a drop in the water level by flood and drain for example or by allowing the water level to drop naturally (hydroculture) you want something light and airy (i.e. not dirt) so that the air gets pulled into the root zone.....
IMO it's this action coupled with the higher CO2 levels in air that really make an emmersed system really can do so much more than just plant in mud :good: :good:
That's why I chose coir. (or aeroponics) B-)
I have Singapore moss growing both submersed and emersed. It's amazing how different some plants can look depending on how they are grow.

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