Gravel inside Betta Tank


Fish Fanatic
Feb 28, 2004
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Hi All,

I have a 10 betta barrack and I havent put Gravel in the bottoms before.
Just plain glass, with live plants and 25% water cahnges every 2 days.

Would putting Gravel on the bottoms be ok?
Would this just mean more hard work in cleaning outthe barracks or am I missing something..

Any Advice would halp a great deal, thanks

Edit: I dont use any filtration, just every 2nd day water changes..
i dont use gravel only many of my bettas... 1 betta tank out of like 15 has gravel in it........ all my other ones dont... easier to clean without gravel in my opinion
i guess it depends on how many you have (or from your sig) will have. if you are going to keep them in say a divided 10 gal or something i guess gravel wouldnt be a big deal, since 100% water changes (rinsing out the tank etc.) would be. but if your are going to have MANY bettas then maybe no gravel would be best, but i can highly recommend a real plant! i just got a sprig of some real plant for my 1 gal betta bowl and mr teal LOVES it, he fights with it, he plays with it, he burrows in it he pushes it around. (its 2 longer sprigs that i tied together to make a little "raft" its free floating) they guy at the pet store just gave it to me so i dont know what it is. its a little wad of plant in his bowl (ts not java moss i know that for sure), but he really enjoys it! hes being medicated right now so i havent bothered with gravel or marbles. but once i get him into his new 2.5 mini-bow i will get gravel.
Gravel is ok as long as no food gets caught under it because my betta won't go to the bottom for food and yours might not want to either
I have 2 Betta tanks with gravel (and a little filter) and the rest of my Betta tanks do not have gravel....the graveless tanks are sooo much easier...all the gravel does is trap all the poop, whereas the graveless is easy to just turkey baster it out once a day. I'm seriously thinking of removing the gravel from the 2 that have it.


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