

Fish Gatherer
Jul 11, 2002
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Yikes! Wouldn't want to do maintenance with something like that lurking around the tank :lol:

BTW, I think somethings wrong with the orange fish in the background, it looks kind of stiff and lifeless with glazed eyes :lol:
Have you been sneaking pics of my tank again CM!!!! :lol:

If im correct that is a paraya isnt it? They sure look evil, i dont think even i would be stupid enough to try keeping one of those, but then again.......
I think someone should recommend a good dentist to him :p

Mean looking bleeder, wonder what size tank.... actually never mind
I think that grandma could use a good vacume cleaner here is a bagless model

I didn't know you could catch fish like that on a Rapala. I have hundreds of those lures, maybe I ought to use them more often. :huh: :lol:
Mogo said:
OH, so you're saying the orange fish is a lure....I thought it was just a really sickly fish :huh:
No you can see the treble hooks in the mouth and the snap swivel in the front of the lure...and even the O ring in the back of the Rapala.

By the angle of the clear "bill" of that Rapala you can tell that it's a deep diver that dives from 12-15 ft. at it's optimum reel speed if you use a 5:1:1 reel. It depends on what test line you are using also. The lighter the line, the deeper it will go, so with 12-16 pound test line it could go 15ft or so when reeling it in. I assume tho, that fishing where they were fishing with fish with teeth like that, that they were using a steel leader so you can get 3-4 more feet out of it rather than using pure mono or if they used braided line it might get another 1-2 feet.

Incase you can't tell, I love fishing and it's my life. :D

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