Gouramis Not Eating (Gravid Female)


Mostly New Member
Jun 17, 2013
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Hey all. Advice needed if possible. I have a very very heavily pregnant Gourami (Aquired a breeding pair wasnt expecting it but wanted some Gouramis as 1 of ours died and the other looked a bit lost on his own) Ive had them since Saturday knowing she was ready to lay her eggs I decided to move them to a breeding tank which is half filled, plenty of plants for anchor low lights etc noticed them swimming around together and the female always searching the male out to swim with so put them in female first then male a short while later. been adding blood worms in to feed them and just waiting male to make his bubble nest. Just been to check on them and they are just sitting there at the bottom they have not eaten since i put them in 2 days ago and male is sitting 1 end female hifing behind the pump (pump is on very very low to stop water movement) Ive done my research and well bit perplexed as to why they are acting this way. Im half tempted to pop them back in the community tank and see how they go as the other gouramis were after food today but these are just not eating. Any ideas why they might be acting this way?

They are Pearl Gouramis also if this helps :) 
I have another breeding pair of moonlight gouramis and the female is newly pregnant I am told.
It could just be an effect of 'new tank syndrome'. Moving from one tank to another can cause the fish to be stunned a little. Either that, or they are missing the excitement of the community tank. I had this issue myself when I first moved a breeding pair of Opaline Gourami to their respective breeding tank. Both just sat quietly in the corner, refusing to do anything. After about a week I abandoned the hope for breeding with this particular pair and moved them back.
It all depends on the male - if the male is happy to build his nest, the female will usually give her eggs. No male nest, no eggs.
What happens to the eggs if no nest. As i said in my other post she is pretty much ready to go ive had her 2 weeks and was told she was ready then so Im concerned, I assume she will abort?? Male is showing no interest in nesting so have given up hope. They are a proven breeding pair but obviously they are new to this tank and she came to me heavily gravid so its all change. When i was ready to drop my kids I couldnt get out of bed without being panicked most days so i guess its all new and scary. How often do they become gravid. I have a breeding pair of moon gourami too so I am waiting for the signs 

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