Tank size: 42g
pH: 7.8
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 5-10ppm~
kH: Unknown
gH: Unknown
tank temp: 77
Fish Symptoms: Gold Gourami has a protruding white spot (see picture) and another starting to appear slightly below it
Volume and Frequency of water changes: 20%~ (10-12g) weekly
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Seachem Prime added to new water only
Tank inhabitants: 1 Gold Gourami, 1 Dwarf Gourami, 1 Black Molly, 4 Platies, 1 Cory, 2 Rams, 1 Loach, 1 Algae Cat, 2 Clown Loach
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): The Clown loaches, after spending 11 days in a smaller 10g quarantine tank, sympton on Gourami had already appears but was a small red dot at first
Exposure to chemicals: None other then the prime on water changes, I have a quarantine/medical tank
I'm at a loss as to what this may be, but am leaning towards parasite of some type. He's not flashing nor exhibiting any adverse behaviours, but as you can see clearly something is wrong. Incidentally, my blue ram who has had inflamed gills twice in the last 18 months or so due to flukes, is showing in-flamation again. I figured that when I treat him I would treat the gourami as well if it's a parasite. Any advice as to properly identifying this spot would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
pH: 7.8
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 5-10ppm~
kH: Unknown
gH: Unknown
tank temp: 77
Fish Symptoms: Gold Gourami has a protruding white spot (see picture) and another starting to appear slightly below it
Volume and Frequency of water changes: 20%~ (10-12g) weekly
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Seachem Prime added to new water only
Tank inhabitants: 1 Gold Gourami, 1 Dwarf Gourami, 1 Black Molly, 4 Platies, 1 Cory, 2 Rams, 1 Loach, 1 Algae Cat, 2 Clown Loach
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): The Clown loaches, after spending 11 days in a smaller 10g quarantine tank, sympton on Gourami had already appears but was a small red dot at first
Exposure to chemicals: None other then the prime on water changes, I have a quarantine/medical tank
I'm at a loss as to what this may be, but am leaning towards parasite of some type. He's not flashing nor exhibiting any adverse behaviours, but as you can see clearly something is wrong. Incidentally, my blue ram who has had inflamed gills twice in the last 18 months or so due to flukes, is showing in-flamation again. I figured that when I treat him I would treat the gourami as well if it's a parasite. Any advice as to properly identifying this spot would be greatly appreciated, thank you.