Gourami...disease or injury?


Mostly New Member
Dec 21, 2015
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Hi all, recently my powder blue dwarf gourami had taken a turn for the worst! He started out fine building bubble nests and chasing the other fishies. I got a female dwarf for him for companionship haha...they stuck to each other like glue! He built another nest as she swelled up! About 3 days later he let the nest break apart and since then the female has been very vicious towards him charging at him the second he's in her sights! A small red patch had appeard on his side which at 1st I ignored but kept a watchful eye on him. A day later the red patch had turned to a open sore. I was led to believe it was injury as the female always charged at his back side and niped him on the hip if you get me? He then had a red swelling on his bottom lip again led to believe from fighting! He went lethargic and wouldnt eat so I done the humane thing and separated them! He is now my 14ltr hospital tank but his condition has gotten worse...the wound is getting bigger and it now seems as though he is bloating and I don't no what todo or what it could be! This has only been happening since the nest was destroyed. I'm treating him for a fungal infection but am now worried I've got the wrong diagnosis which isn't going to help him! He's a beautiful fish and I really don't wanna loose him. I have taken pics and will upload them now
His lip


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Good to hear you separated them but it may have been too late. I'd guess he was injured by the female and that wound became infected. The bloating could be the beginning of dropsy but his scales aren't sticking out at the moment. I'd try treating him with some antibiotics and perhaps some epsom salt to reduce swelling. What fungal med are you using? Many meds will also treat for bacterial issues but this one might not. Also, keep the water clean in his hospital tank. Doing at least daily 50% water changes should help him out a bit.

Always research and be prepared before deciding to spawn one of the more aggressive species, such as bettas or gourami. Things can quickly go south before you know it. Sorry you had to learn that the hard way :/
The fish has bacterial infections (the red mouth and red sore on the side of the body).

Fungal infections appear white and fluffy.

The fish probably has the Iridovirus or Tuberculosis (TB), maybe both. Dwarf gouramis are renown for carrying these diseases and their lives are significantly shorter than they should be because of it.

You can try anti-biotics (as suggested by Demeter32), but it might not work. Anti-biotics treat the bacterial infections but if the Iridovirus is doing damage then anti-biotics will only help treat the secondary infections, and there is no cure for TB. It's most likely the Iriodvius tho and if the fish isn't eating I would probably put it down.
Thanks for the help guys but he's gone now....found him late last night on the floor of the tank. the treatment I was using was interpet anti fungus containing phenoxyethanol 40,000mg per 100mls. I have done a lot of research on gourami and I believe I done everything right just things went south quicker than I could notice
sorry to hear that :(

Unfortunately dwarf gouramis are a problem fish and have been for years. I try to avoid them just purely due to the health issues they have. If you want other types of small gouramis there are sparkling, honey dwarf, licorice and Indian banded gouramis, plus several species of small peaceful Betta. However, don't add any new fish to the tank for a month so you can monitor the rest of the fish.
Yeah I have read up about the problems with dwarf gourami. I've had 4 in the past and they lived a good 3 years must just of been unlucky this time... it's such a shame as there beautiful fish

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