Goldfish Lying At Bottom Of Tank


Fish Crazy
Feb 9, 2012
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Hi, my sisters goldfish has been lying at the bottom of the tank. He'll lie there for a few minutes then swim around for a few minutes then lie down again. I'm not really sure what type of goldfish he / she is, he has a body shaped like a common goldfish but patterns and a double tail like a shubunkin (not sure about the spelling). The tank is 160l but has been just over half full for a few days as it had to be moved away from the wall for the decorator. I don't have a test kit but my sister is doing a water change of about 30% of the current volume then is filling it up to 3/4 of the full volume. So basically does anyone have any idea what is wrong with the fish and what we can do to help it? Thanks
Perhaps ammonia poisoning?
Try doing a water change and then fill it up to it's full volume.
Without any test results, it's hard to be positive, but I would suspect a water quality issue of some sort; that's the answer in something like 90% of fishy problems.
Has the filter been running while the tank's been half empty?
I would concur with Lrya; get as big a water change as possible done, fill the tank up as much as possible, and check the filter's running.
If decorating has been done, was the tank covered? paint fumes etc can affect tank water. As already suggested do a very large water change.
star4 said:
If decorating has been done, was the tank covered? paint fumes etc can affect tank water. As already suggested do a very large water change.
Oooh, good thinking!
If you can add some carbon to the filter (but only if you can add it without removing more than  a quarter of the media), then that might help absorb any 'nasties' that have got into the water, as well as the big water change.
It could well be swim bladder disease. When this happens a fish will often lose buoyancy, meaning it has to keep swimming to stay off of the bottom. If it looks healthy otherwise, I'd say this is the problem.
The fish could have ammonia poisoning or a bacterial infection of the swim bladder. The latter can cause a fish to lose balance and it will generally go in the direction of the current.
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