Golden Algae Eater Turning Mean?

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Fish Fanatic
Oct 30, 2009
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I have one golden algae eater in each of my three tanks. I believe they're related to chinese algae eaters. Unfortunately, the LFS sold these as ideal algae eaters without telling us about the flip side of their personalities as they get older. This weekend, my largest CAE started divebombing my little cory catfish. I had to move the cory to get it out of harm's way. I think the CAE saw the cory as competition since they both go after the algae tablets and shrimp pellets. But I've noticed it's also acting a bit aggressive toward the danios when they swim near the bottom. My two other CAEs continue to peacefully share food with their tankmates including the catfish. But they're both noticeably smaller than the one that turned mean. Sigh -- I hope they don't all become aggressive. I've been reluctant to put more than one in a tank since they're supposedly more aggressive toward their own species. Our LFS assured us they won't become aggressive if they have enough to eat, but I'm not so sure. Does anyone know whether they are less aggressive in larger tanks, even if the tank is shared with fellow CAEs? Any other suggestions for how to handle the situation?
these fish are well known for becoming aggressive as they get older and mature but are still sold, as you have found out, as good algae eating community fish..... they also grow quite large.

the best thing to do is to remove them and return them to the lfs where they were bought im affraid! if your tank is full of algae then try and find the source of the problem instead of covering it up with algae eating fish etc. if you got them because you like them then i would try and find an alternative fish. ths siamese algae eater is quite a peacefull fish if kept singular and is one of the best algae eating fish about, but when they get older as most algae fish they will become used to the food provided for the other fish and leave the algae alone! these also get quite large and grow to 6 inches. a smaller algae eating fish is the otocinclus gets about 2 inch in length, very cute and a great algae eater.
CAEs are often miss-sold as good algae eaters who, if fed enough, will be fine with other fish and not get too big. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

They are very well known for their aggressive personalities and pechant for the taste of fish and slime coats. They get to 8-10 inches as adults and need 40 gallon + tanks. Keeping multiples together is always risky and would require very large, heavily planted tanks with hides and caves galore.

Good luck!

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