God I Am Itching To Put Fish In

It is so majestic to watch the silver sharks gliding 5ft along the tank they look so happy even though they jumped out of the original tank onto the carpet. As regards the scats and mono etc I know they are brackish but I read stories saying that even adults can adapt to freshwater but it may just cut their life expectancy. If I set up the 128l tank to be brackish then I think it will be too small for the 11 fish I have. what a dilemma eh?
Thanks all I have placed the old media and sponge into the new large filter and have now placed the large fish in and they are all very happy at the min. Especially for you shiny I have put the 3 clown loaches and they are thriving as you predicted. But I have a melon barb in another who is now sulking cos he used to follow the three of them around. guess he thought he was a clown loach
westonsupermanc said:
 guess he thought he was a clown loach
I have a lonesome Siamese Algae Eater (his/her partner dies years ago) who does the same thing. If the loaches are out and about he's there with them. He's not bothered when they are not (they sleep a lot during the day), he just goes about eating things.
Good to hear things are going well so far.

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