Glasscats fittable in 10 gallon?


Fish Addict
Oct 23, 2016
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Of course I love all kinds of whiskered fish in this hobby so I saw this one and I would like to at the least have a small group of 5-6 just wanna know if it is possible with regular water changes and as I hheard they enjoy a overgrown tank well my 10 gallon would be perfect.
No, they grow too big (at least four or five inches in length) for a ten gallon.
Honestly, I have some (in a 240l) and I wouldn't put them in a ten gallon, they're just too big, sorry!
Try a group of like 10 Pygmy corys, they're more active than glass cats anyway and they stay about an inch long, you could go with up to like 12 if that's all you put in there, I wouldn't go with any less than 8 though.

I know they aren't going to give the same effect but they are catfish, they have cute little whiskers and they're more suited for a 10 gallon.

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