Giving Birth.


New Member
Mar 10, 2012
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Teesside, UK
So I posted a few weeks ago asking if my molly was pregnant and she was, I managed to catch the birth on video :D

Thanks to [member=OldMan47] for his post [topic=285369]A Molly Story[/topic]

19 fry are now almost 2 weeks old, and doing really well.
So I posted a few weeks ago asking if my molly was pregnant and she was, I managed to catch the birth on video :D

Thanks to [member=OldMan47] for his post [topic=285369]A Molly Story[/topic]

19 fry are now almost 2 weeks old, and doing really well.

Aww congrats that's brilliant :D They are so cute!
I witnessed my guppy giving birth yesterday, I always miss it but it was amazing to finally see :)
congrats! it is so fun to watch in person, i watched one of mu mollies give birth :hyper:
It looks like the dalmatian and the gourami were both prevented from eating fry by the trap. If you have a crowded tank or can't provide cover, the trap is the next best thing.
Yeah they ate 3 fry before we managed to get her in the trap :(
It's certainly not crowded though, only 2 gourami, 2 mollies, 2 small catfish, and 1 plec in 180ltr tank.
The fry are in their own tank now and thriving, though 2 didn't survive the first 2 days. I'm pleased 19 are doing well, especially since it's my first lot of fry :D
Opened the filter on the big tank yesterday to clean the sponges and found 2 fry in there alive!
They're now in the fry tank, doing fine, though they are a little smaller and darker than the rest.
21 fry now! lol
i have had that many times, it was such a happy moment minus the 5 other fry heads on the filter cartrige :look:
Yeah there were a couple fry heads in ours too.

So will these 2 fry be okay after spending 2 weeks in the filter?
They stay at the bottom of the fry tank unlike the rest that shoot straight to the top as soon as I open the lid for feeding time.
Will they lighten like the rest or will they stay dark? All the other fry are almost white.

Sorry for all the questions... my first lot of fry lol.

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