Giant Guppy Fry?


New Member
Apr 1, 2012
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I have a very large dark blue female guppy and two red and gold male guppies in a 10 gallon tank, and their fry seem to grow at supersonic rates! She had babies 6 weeks ago, and the 2 fry are almost as big as the fathers ( about 2.75 cm long, excluding tail!), this is really odd since the half-brothers of these two fry took 3 months to reach this size. She also just had babies a week ago, and they are already about 1-1.25 cm long! There is also one fry out the batch that is 1.5 cm long,and she seems to be growing by the second. At this point, none of the adult or juvenile guppies bother with eating the fry, and they all get along peacefully (the mother will even stay with her fry to protect them!). Do I have some type of super guppies with good parenting skills, or is this normal? The fry are very cool looking by the way-blue with gold flecks on the body, with blue tails that fade into gold at the ends.
Welcome to the forum jkuosc.
A strong feeding regime along with plenty of water changes will show that kind of growth. It is a bit unusual just because people often hold back on feeding.
Wow, sounds great!

I have one batch that I swear look bigger every morning and others that grow a lot more slowly.

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