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My ghost catfish is missing part of its tail. It's swimming in circles or not at all. I've moved it into my quarantine tank, which is doubling as housing for a betta. Is it okay in with the betta? Also, what could have caused this missing fin? I have four more in my tank right now, in with whatever is the culprit. The suspects are six dojo loaches, six neon tetras, and six hatchetfish, as well as the other glass catfish. Which of them did it, or could it be some sort of disease? Also, what do I do with the injured glass catfish now, if it lasts the night. It doesn't look good.
I do water changes whenever the nitrates get high enough, about once a month. There is no ammonia or nitrites, and very little nitrates, but the water is very hard. The pH is 7.
I do water changes whenever the nitrates get high enough, about once a month. There is no ammonia or nitrites, and very little nitrates, but the water is very hard. The pH is 7.