New Member
Hey Guys,
I'm new to the forum since I recently started creating my tank again after about 15 yrs. I have never had german blue rams before and I got 2 in my 20 gallon long along with 4 tetras, 4 cory, and 2 indian algae eaters.
I recently saw that the 2 german blue rams (they are both male i believe), were chasing each other around the tank and ramming into each other from time to time. They would also spin in circle around one another almost like a dance.
I did a 50% water change this past weekend (nitrate level was above 20ppm) as i had done the previous week. However, this time around it looks like one of the rams's lip appears to be swollen (bigger in comparison to the other fish). This ram has also stopped eating much, it takes a peck or 2 at a pellet and thats about it. It doesn't appear to be moving his mouth very much but gills are moving just fine. He is also hovering towards the top of the tank. Fins are upright so i think he is physically okay other than this.
I checked my ammonia and nitrite and they were both at 0. Nitrate is now down to 5ppm. i have also added seachem stressguard the past 2 days of seeing this.
The other ram and other fishes seem fine.
was wondering if anyone can help me out with this. I don't want the ram to die. I have lost ONE ram when i first put 2 rams for my aquarium but I think that was due to shock because the fish died with 24 hrs and the other ram was perfectly fine for 2 weeks since then.
No other fish are displaying any fact the indian algae eaters have gotten quite fat.
I'm new to the forum since I recently started creating my tank again after about 15 yrs. I have never had german blue rams before and I got 2 in my 20 gallon long along with 4 tetras, 4 cory, and 2 indian algae eaters.
I recently saw that the 2 german blue rams (they are both male i believe), were chasing each other around the tank and ramming into each other from time to time. They would also spin in circle around one another almost like a dance.
I did a 50% water change this past weekend (nitrate level was above 20ppm) as i had done the previous week. However, this time around it looks like one of the rams's lip appears to be swollen (bigger in comparison to the other fish). This ram has also stopped eating much, it takes a peck or 2 at a pellet and thats about it. It doesn't appear to be moving his mouth very much but gills are moving just fine. He is also hovering towards the top of the tank. Fins are upright so i think he is physically okay other than this.
I checked my ammonia and nitrite and they were both at 0. Nitrate is now down to 5ppm. i have also added seachem stressguard the past 2 days of seeing this.
The other ram and other fishes seem fine.
was wondering if anyone can help me out with this. I don't want the ram to die. I have lost ONE ram when i first put 2 rams for my aquarium but I think that was due to shock because the fish died with 24 hrs and the other ram was perfectly fine for 2 weeks since then.
No other fish are displaying any fact the indian algae eaters have gotten quite fat.