I thought I could start a little journal thingy about my Geophagus winemilleri breeding. 
Ok, so I have 11 Geophagus winemilleri in my 250x75x60cm 1125 litre tank. It's something about 8,2 feet and almost 300 gallon.
As seen in the picture, grown winemilleris are big fish, and I don't recommend having them in a smaller tank than 500 litres.
Anyway, four of those said winemilleris are older adults, which have laid eggs once, but haven't gotten any further.
Abput two month ago we got 7 young winemilleris, which are only about 1,5 years old, and only like 1/4 of the size of the adult ones. We call them teenagers, because they are.
About 3 weeks ago two of those youngsters paired and laid eggs. We didn't expect anything to come out of it, as they are so young and this was their first time. But they did know how to take care of the eggs, and about 1,5 days laiter they took the eggs to their mouths and started to mouthbrood. Or something. Not sure about the english word for it.
^ A link to my video about brooding.
So, they keep the eggs in their mouths, in safe, and roll them around in their mouths so everyone gets their share of fresh water and oxygen.
About 11 days later they let the fry out for the first time. The fry didn't swim too well then.
We already had the baby tank running and fully ready, so the next day, when the fry was let out again, we took them very gently and moved to the other tank.
They have been growing very well. I have been feeding them with brine shrimp eggs, freshly hatched live artemia and powdered baby food and they are eating well. If there has been losses I haven't noticed any.
This video was taken a few days ago.
They're getting bigger and bigger every day, and I am very pleased and exited about them.
More will follow later.
Ok, so I have 11 Geophagus winemilleri in my 250x75x60cm 1125 litre tank. It's something about 8,2 feet and almost 300 gallon.

As seen in the picture, grown winemilleris are big fish, and I don't recommend having them in a smaller tank than 500 litres.
Anyway, four of those said winemilleris are older adults, which have laid eggs once, but haven't gotten any further.
Abput two month ago we got 7 young winemilleris, which are only about 1,5 years old, and only like 1/4 of the size of the adult ones. We call them teenagers, because they are.
About 3 weeks ago two of those youngsters paired and laid eggs. We didn't expect anything to come out of it, as they are so young and this was their first time. But they did know how to take care of the eggs, and about 1,5 days laiter they took the eggs to their mouths and started to mouthbrood. Or something. Not sure about the english word for it.


^ A link to my video about brooding.
So, they keep the eggs in their mouths, in safe, and roll them around in their mouths so everyone gets their share of fresh water and oxygen.
About 11 days later they let the fry out for the first time. The fry didn't swim too well then.


We already had the baby tank running and fully ready, so the next day, when the fry was let out again, we took them very gently and moved to the other tank.
They have been growing very well. I have been feeding them with brine shrimp eggs, freshly hatched live artemia and powdered baby food and they are eating well. If there has been losses I haven't noticed any.
This video was taken a few days ago.

They're getting bigger and bigger every day, and I am very pleased and exited about them.
More will follow later.