Geophagus Juruparis In 75 Gallon


Fish Herder
Jan 12, 2014
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Hey just wandering if keeping 4 of these guys in a 75 gallon with, 2 senegalus and 2 delhezi bichirs with a pair of nandus nandus, and a BGK, or is a 5ft recommended? Also going to have multiple mystery snails, or would anyone advise against this?
My sengalus ate my mystery snails.
Really star? Ive had my black mystery snail in my tank for about a year with an ornate, endlicheri and senegalus and ok im thinking of rehoming the one i have and going straight small upper jaw species and nandus nandus.
I just kinda want to hear from someones personal experience if i could do it in a 75 gallon.
They are two big devils lol, The have both got to be well over 10" long now. I had about 6 golden apple snails in the tank with them and couldnt understand why I started finding empty shells and the remaining snails would not come out, they I saw them one night working together to winkle the snail out of its shell and tear chunks off it off.
As for the Jurupari  a group would need a bigger tank, personally,
Alright so I guess I'm rehousing the jurupari so new stocking, 2 Senegalus, 2 delhezi, 1 mystery snail, 3 nandus nandus, what else do you think I can or should add?
Maybe a Rotkiel Severum would fit in nicely there, they have the right sort of colours and it would fit in size wise.
And then a school of something would be nice but not too sure what you could get that would be Bichir proof and that wouldnt over stock the tank...  Maybe Columbian Tetras or Bueonos Aireies Tetras?
The Jurupari are pretty slow growing fish, my single one has only reached 8" so far from 3" 3 years ago, saying that it is a rescue and came from a tiny tank, so if you are thinking of getting a group and keeping them for their entire life then yes a bigger tank would be better, if you just want a group to grow on from youngsters for a couple of years then they would "technically" be ok using the 75g as a "grow out" sort of tank.
Have you had a look at festivums? you could possible get away with those, nice top level fish, pretty too.
Hmmm I like the idea of severum, but I don't really like the red in that ones head, maybe a super red? Or just normal?

Maybe a school of Congo tetras would work with my bichirs? They are smaller species of upper jaw bichirs.

I don't think I like festivums :/
O forgot to add there's a BGK in there as well lol full growm
A female rotkeil usually only has that bright red colouration when she is looking for a mate, paired or about to breed a single one would not have such vivid red colouration, its more of a hint of red. If my camera was working I could take a pic of my female rotkeil as she is now, a hint of red across the head, deep blue face with dark blue flanks, they are beautiful fish.
How do you feel about aequidens? there are so many nice once, the more common blue acara, the A. Metae (yellow acara) which I have kept with a large BGK and birchir before. Flier cichlids are nice.
Idk I really like super red severums not really a fan of those type of body fish.
Temperment wise a red spot would go with the fish you have, I have kept a red spot with birchir and BGK. Out of all the severums I have kept the biggest is the red spot, they are/can be a monster chunky fish.more "circular" than other severums, well my fat lad is lol. 
I'll look around more but just wondering, the super red would be fine in a 75 gallon right? And can a 150 gallon house full grown jurupari so maybe in a group of 6?
Personally I wouldnt keep a Red Spot or Green in a tank of that size - either the true Severus or Rotkeil would be good bets. I just think the big species need more room.
If you can get a 150 though that would be awesome! The Jurupari would do great as the centre piece 6 would fill out the tank nicely, have them as the centre and then stock a school and some bottom dwellers around them - if you could do the tank in 3 species it would look incredible!!

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