Garden snails for puffers?


Fish Herder
Feb 29, 2004
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Dublin, Ireland
Can you feed puffers garden snails, I live in ireland so i dont know what type of snails the rest of you guys have, maybe someone from the UK will know.
I wouldnt recomend it, garden snails will drown quite quickly and dead snails create a huge ammount of toxins in the water. Some pond snails collected from a local lake or pond would be much better and if you have a spare tank are very easy to breed.
Thanks CFC, What if i put the snails in and if their not eaten take them straight back out? Is it only the fact that will pollute the water if they decay rather than what they consist of?
if its a cost factor, just ask around at your lfs, many will be more than happy to give you snails for free (the nuisance kind that is). yes, they will look at you strangely, but will still give you the snails :D . as cfc said, pond snails are a better option. with garden snails, not only is there the drowning and polluting the water factor, but theres also the possibility of introducing harmful garden chemicals to your water.
Its not the cost its just that i have tons of snails in my garden and i dont have a pond, we never put any chmicals in the garden ever, so i think i might try a little snail later and see what happens, thanks for your reply's.
OK i tried a small snail last night, and it was eaten before it got to the gravel, The lucky fish that got it seems very happy so im going to put a couple in tonight and watch closely just in case some is left over so i can take it out straight away.

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