Freeze Dried Foods


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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I just gave me tetras and angel freeze dried bloodworm and holy cow there like sharks lol. Am wondering if this is okay to feed at least once a week? I hear that freeze dried stuff is pretty crud compared to live/frozen.
Ill be interested to see what ppl respond to about this, I always give freeze dried bloodworms and tubifiex worms to my fish too.
Indeed, It's cheaper and easier to store I find, They love it to bits.
Pretty crud in what way? Nutrition? I would have thought they'd be roughly the same, freeze dried and frozen that is.

I give my fish frozen cubes twice a week, usually weekends as a treat.
I give them to my fish as a treat 1-2 times a week. Bloodworms are good, and very fatty so dont feed alot. Brine Shrimp is debatable, because when their babies the nutrition is in the egg sack they feed off of, and sometimes during freezing the nutrients are wasted if its not an instant freeze. You can always do your own home made food with meats, veggies, and geletine and you have all the frozen food you want thats healthy and good for your fish. Here is a video of a method that I got from a DIY fish guy
Theres also this for ALOT more food
I must try the bloodworms; I tried freeze dried daphnia and none of my fish are that turned on by it!
Well that's fine then, my fish go nuts with bloodworms. I'll feed them once or twice a week :p
Someone once told me not to feed freeze dried as it may cause internal parasites or something, i don't think its right but i've stayed away from freeze dried ever since :/
Someone once told me not to feed freeze dried as it may cause internal parasites or something, i don't think its right but i've stayed away from freeze dried ever since

Ive never heard that one. Hm, I wonder if parasites could come from something freeze dried? I just make sure every bottom feeder food i buy has a real protein in it and it's not just fish meal, same with my dog food kind of haha.
I've got both freeze dried bloodworm and tubifex, but my fish just didn't go for them at all.
I've got both freeze dried bloodworm and tubifex, but my fish just didn't go for them at all.

Maybe has something to do with what they're fed to begin with maybe? Every one of my fish (barbs, angels, pictus, and cories especially) go nuts for the tubifex.. I think it's good to start out with smaller amounts of different foods to try what works for your tank, and then work from there.
After bad experiences with frozen foods (my fish got sick EVERY time I used it), I've moved to freeze dried and it goes well.
Whenever I feed freeze dried blood worm it just doesn't get eaten! I've even witnessed our angel fish take a bit then spit it out in disgust lol... However when I feed them frozen blood worm they get eaten before they hit the bottom of the tank!

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