Four Unexplained Deaths. (pics Included) *update*


I'm a girl . . . yup, definitely a girl. =)
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Sep 12, 2005
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Cheyenne, WY
Last night everything was fine, and this morning I wake up to 3 dead pim pictus (all I had) and 1 dead p. demasoni, and I'm not sure why.

Tank stats: 75gal, fluval 404, AC 70, temp: 79 F, Ammonia: 0, NitrIte: 0.5 (I think this is from 4 dead fish overnight, because 3 days ago nitrite was 0), Nitrate: 5. Did my 50% weekly water change yesterday as per usual, I used dechlorinator as I always do.

This tank was fishless cycled and on 6/20/06 I added 7 L. Caeruleus, 6 P. Acei, 6 M. Callainos, 1 P. demasoni, all juvies w/the exception of 3 adult labs. A week ago, I added 3 pim pictus, all around the 4 inch range. No ammonia or nitrite spikes of any kind until today, or some time in the last 3 days since I tested. All the fish were eating well, including the pictus, except for 2 holding labs, and the demasoni. I thought she (demasoni) was holding, though it was hard to tell because she was so small, anyways she hadn't eaten since 6/30. Now I'm beginning to wonder if something wasn't wrong w/her from the start.

The 3 pictus were active and eating last night. Perhaps I added them too soon, I know some catfish are sensitive to tanks that haven't matured, but I'm not sure if pictus are. The only other thing I can think of are internal parasites. The pictus had very rounded bellies, however they seemed to shrink between feedings, and their poo was a healthy brown color, so I'm not sure if parasites are the answer either. I took a couple of pics to see if anyone can tell what was wrong. The first one is a top view.


The second is from the bottom, note the rounded belly, this one also had red marks on the belly, the other two didn't, however, I think it is because this one was under the rocks the entire time, and the other two were floating.


So, to recap, no previous water chemistry problems, everyone feeding well (except for demasoni), 4 dead fish this morning, and I have no idea why. Anyone have any ideas? I'd really hate to lose more fish.

I've done a 60% water change to hopefully help w/the nitrite spike, not sure what else I can do.
There could be endless reasons to why your fish may have died but those 2 bruise like blotches may be a give away????
After my water change the Nitrite has dropped to .25, however since my last post, one of my adult female labs have died. Now all the fish aren't moving much, rapidly breathing, and they all look like they are chewing on something. What the heck is going on? I can't figure it out w/a sudden onset affecting the entire tank. I haven't added anything, or changed anything but water.

As to the two bruise like blotches, the fish in the pic is the only one to have the bruises.
Id say its definatly a water problem and not a fish issue as the fish dont seem killid byy mbuna. Try posting in the Tropical Fish Emergencies section for a better response.
I`m really sorry to hear all this I wish I could help.
Theres no chance it could be toxicty or poisoining ? i.e. smoke/paint/fumes, heavy metals in the tank ?
Quote from Back to Nature Malawi Cichlids Ad Konings - "A typical feature or toxicty is that it suddenly affects every fish or most in the aqurium" it also goes onto say catfish are very sensitive to heavy metals.
Maybe Nitrite poisoning ?

Or Temperature too High/Low ?

I`m only going on what I`ve read maybe if you posted in the emergency section ?
it sounds more like lack of oxogine, get a air pump in there quick.
I was thinking an oxygen problem too except my cannister filter gives good water movement, and the HOB does also, plus the symptom worsened right after a water change which should have given more oxygen. I'm doing another one now, only thing I could think to do, and oddly enough they seem to be moving more, though still rapidly breathing. Did open a topic in emergency, no answers yet.
Just check Your outlet breaks the waters surface, the only thing I`m thinking is if it`s oxygen you put more water in when you did the change and the outlet is too deep ?
Don`t they gasp at the surface if it`s oxygen ?
I think that a 50% water change is too much, if you have added the cold water too quickly then you have probably sent them into osmotic shock???? when doing a water change its best to re-fill as slowly as possible as not too drasticaly alter the temperature. Nicks correct about the outlet breaking the waters surface.
I add water the same temp as in the tank, I have a python to fill it and it usually takes around 10 min to fill the tank. I have the outlets breaking the surface and there are air bubbles everywhere. Some of them are swimming at the surface, and the rest are propped up against rocks to keep from falling over. It can't be the water from the tap because I changed all three tanks yesterday, and the fish in the other tanks are fine. I think my big male lab is going. This is awful.

Anybody think it could be Malawi Bloat. They seem to be exhibiting all the syptoms but the bloat part. Some swimming at the surface, some at the bottom, Unable to stay upright. Except they never lost their appetite, or bloated. Lost an acei now. Don't think any are going to make it. Oh hell, I think I'm going to start crying.
really sorry m8. Its awfull when things are out of control, I dont understand all this fishless cycling so cant even tell youif its anything to do with that, possibly your tank has not dealt with the xtra bioload of fish you have recently added. sorry m8 :/ hope you can get it sorted soon.
awww I'm really sorry for you, you must feel terrible. I hope someone comes up with an answer as to why it's happened and that you can save the rest.
only trying for suggestions m8, but you havn't broken a mercury thermometer in there have u, or the missus hasn't polished around your tank, poisoning of some description, feeling anxious for ya budd.
I'm the missus :D . An no, no broken thermometer, I use a digital one. No cleaning around tank, I don't use air freshener in the living room because of the tanks. They were good questions though.

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