
I mean alot of yall have had cl before, and i wonder what your experience with them is?
OHH and ARE BALA SHARKS pron to ick too?

well i decided to add the clowns first? so the tank will be a quarentine tank?Chasing Puck said:Quarantine them. This way, even if they have a non-clinical infection, you won't have to treat the entire tank and risk infecting other fish.
I woud put them in a q-tank, raise the temp to 86, treat with salt (1 tsp/gallon is tolerable for clowns). Maintain this for at least 4 weeks, then start doing water changes to remove the salt, and then add them to your tank. This will prevent the parasite from being introduced to your tank.
You'll want to treat all future additions the same way--no point in removing it from the clowns if a suspect guppy brings it back in.
Bala's are not prone to ich, like clowns are, but can contract it, as can most fish.
well i dont have a q tank and the tank will be cycled by using 1 100gph hob filter for 1 week if it's not good enough then i'll use 2 100gph hob filter from a cycled tank, that should do it?Chasing Puck said:Was the tank cycled first? If not, you will need to perform lots of water changes--clowns are not very tolerant of poor water conditions. This will require replacing the salt removed with each change. It can work, but won't be ideal. And you will still want to quarantine new fish before adding them.
Keep in mind that many medications available that claim to treat ich are not used for a long enough time to kill all the parasites, and many will damage the biological filter as well--not a good thing in a cycling tank. Clowns are very sensitive to medications--I would not risk using them.