Floating Magnetic Alge Cleaner


Fish Fanatic
Sep 23, 2002
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I was demonstrating my new floating magnetic alge cleaner to my daughter yesterday. I was showing how powerfull it was by letting the wet half float up and drift accross the tank then attracting it to the dry half. I then could not believe my eyes, my worst nightmare.......my favourite blue guppy was squashed between the magnet and the glass :sad:
It was probably a million to one chance of it happening, but it did, so beware if you have one :unsure:
Ouchies! :crazy:

I haven't had that happen yet (crossing my fingers) but I managed to snap the end of my finger between the magnets. You wouldn't think it would hurt but ouch, it can snap kinda hard. No permanent damage done!
omg... :crazy: :-( I'm sorry that u lost ur fav guppy :-( Must b v. terrible to see... hope u won't hav recurring nightmares on it!
omg no that terrible......thats gotta be lotsly bad luck :sad:
Thanks for the warning, Fly258 :eek:

I've looked at them but every time I thought about buying one something else caught my eye. Now I'm glad I don't have one because I'd be afraid to use it! :unsure:
:no: :-( :/

Im so very sorry for your loss Fly , it is an unbearable thought.
I couldnt deal with that happening to me, and squashing one of our fish :(
so sorry , we have one of these and Bud uses it very well, he is always super cautious of all things in our tank.. but accidents do happen... that is a warning taken with high regard.. thankyou.


oh i was thinking sbout geting one r they any good apart from killing fish?
Losing fish is sad in general, but losing them for silly reasons such as magnets and leaving the lid open (my case) is so frustrating!
Once I left my lid open and left for work. When I returned I saw my 12 cm scynodontis catfish lying on the floor dead. :-(
that's just so sad, I can't even count how many times that almost happened to me with my oldest betta and my eel,they're so nosey

so sorry for your traumatic experience :( , I would imagine your daughter wasn't to impressed with it -_-
Hi snotirl,
yes they are very good, you just have to be carefull there are no nosey fish around when you stick the two bits together.
sorry about your loss, sad to hear. already have one, going to have to be carefull and make my daughter and husband knows, thanx for the warning.
thats got to hurt the fish :sad: . The magnetic parts must be super strong to clean the inside through glass, so sorry about the accident. I suppose it sounds like an ok device, but the risk is always there. :sad:

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