Floating Bogwood!


Fish Addict
Feb 9, 2009
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Hi All,

I started soaking my bogwood that I will be putting in my tank when I do my rescape tomorrow. It's the long spindly/twiggy type. Not the thick chunky type.
Anyhow, the Mrs was out last night, so I thought I would soak it in the bath for a few hours while she was out........
Placed it in the bath, ran the hot water, and the wood floated to the surface.

When I put it in my tank, I will have to weigh it down somehow.
What is the best way? With rocks around the base? Though that may spoil the look? As it absorbs water, with the wood get heavy and eventually sink due to its own weight?

One option is to secure suckers to the wood with screws, to then securely place the wood where you want it. Having said that, given enough soaking time, the bogwood should soak up enough water to eventually sink.
i bought 2 bits recently soaked them in buckets for a day then rinsed them stuck them in the tank left them floating by the morning they sunk
I think what you have is redmoor wood. this cxan be some what of a night mare to get to sink but it will do it eventually. there are a couple of methods of doing this,

1) the long soak, just leave it floating in the tank untill it sinks then position it.

2) boiling, if you can boil it this has been know to increase the water uptake rate but if you have a large piece it may take some time.

3) drilling the wood in an inconspicuous place and placing a large stone or such like in there, I don`t recomend this however as fish may become trapped in the cavity.

4) weight it down or wedge it. simply lay some stones or plant weights onto the wood insitu and then remove in a week or two, you could even cable tie the wood to a large piece of slate.

we went out at the weekend and i saw a lovelyt piece of wood i just needed to have as i knew i had 60+ crypts arriving this week i knew i needed it in place so i wrapped some plant weights around the brances to hold it down. easy to removeat a later date.

hope that helps.
Hi All,

Thanks for your input.

The problem is the pieces of wood are quite big and not really easy to handle. Hence the reason I had to soak them in the bath last night! I have had smaller pieces of wood in the past that I soaked in a bucket, but these won't fit.

I think I will have to weigh them down in the tank with some conveniently placed stones and then see how it goes after a few days.

On a similar note. My water is quite alkaline (7.5) & hard (KH13). My understanding is that wood doesn't cause ph swings due to the buffering of the carbonates dissolved in the water. Am I correct?

Harder watter Has less ph swings indeed,
However i`ve never really had any ph swings from wood even when its leached enouh tannins to make the tank look like a tramp just washed in it the ph hasn`t swung,

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