Fish Tank Advise Please


New Member
Oct 10, 2011
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Hey Everyone

I need some advise on my fish tank that i've had for the year or so. Am currently in the process of moving house so unfortunately there isn't no room for my existing tank. Now I need your help because i need to sell everything and have no idea what its all worth.

ATM I have

90 Litre Jewel Tank with build in Tube Light Which i replaced about a year ago. The Tank sits on a matching Black stand with storage space underneath.
Included in the tank is a Fluval U2 with spare Filters and a 200w Heater and Air Pump with a Ball air stone.
Inside I've got a few ornaments which I will include. 1 x No Fish sign, 1 x Shark, 1, Few Fake plants and one real one.
Also Have fish flakes supplier for about a month.
I do have a glass temperature gage and a screen cleaner

Now for the fish,
I estimate I've got 40 or so Various Guppys, 6 Various Mollys and a Plec (Medium Size)

Now I have no idea what its all worth and someone could give me some idea i would be really grateful.

Second hand stuff is worth, roughly, a third of what you paid for it new, although it's really more a case of what you can get.

Fish stuff has a very poor resale value, I'm afraid.
Second hand stuff is worth, roughly, a third of what you paid for it new, although it's really more a case of what you can get.

Fish stuff has a very poor resale value, I'm afraid.

Cheers mate. My Aunt really wants it but not sure what price to offer it to her for. I was thinking £150 for everything or is that asking to much?
I would say nearer £100 really, but ask £150 if you think your aunt will pay it :p

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