Fish Shapes And Colors


New Member
Apr 22, 2006
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I hope this was the right place to put this. :)

1. What type of body shape and tail shape do the fish on the following page have?

Fusiform body shape, homocercal tail shape
Fusiform body shape, heterocercal tail shape
Depressed body shape and diphycercal tail
Compressed body shape, homocercal tail shape


2. Why would their body and tail shape be a good adaptation to where they live?

They are a top predator and need speed to hunt down their prey.
Their tail shape gives them maneuverability and their body shape allows them to fit into small places on the reefs.
They are timid fish who feed and hide along the bottom.


3. What type of body shape and tail shape do the fish on the following page have?

Fusiform body shape, homocercal tail shape
Fusiform body shape, heterocercal tail shape
Depressed body shape and diphycercal tail
Compressed body shape, homocercal tail shape


4. Why would their body and tail shape be a good adaptation to where they live?

They are a top predator and need speed to hunt down their prey.
Their tail shape gives them maneuverability and their body shape allows them to fit into small places on the reefs.
They are timid fish who feed and hide along the bottom.


5. Except for the whale shark, what type of body shape and tail shape do the fish on the following page have?

Fusiform body shape, homocercal tail shape
Fusiform body shape, heterocercal tail shape
Depressed body shape and diphycercal tail
Compressed body shape, homocercal tail shape


6. Why would their body and tail shape be a good adaptation to where they live?

They are a top predator and need speed to hunt down their prey.
Their tail shape gives them maneuverability and their body shape allows them to fit into small places on the reefs.
They are timid fish who feed and hide along the bottom.


Page one: Questions one and two
Page two: Quetions three and four
Page three: Questions five and six

We're allowed to submit this particular assignment twice so I wanted to try again. I must have read over the definitions for each of those terms ten times, stared at the pictures of those fish for an hour, and looked up extra information for about another 45 minutes but I still got them wrong. :grr:

Any kind of help would be appreciated. ^_^
Do you have the wrong pages? That quiz is extremly difficult and doesnt make sense using those reef fish. When you use the shark page however, the quiz makes much more sense. Especially with the coment "Except for the whale shark"

Have you given us the correct links?
I agree, it's very confusing. Does the question mean each fish individually of the whole page? It can't be the whole page especially with page 1 and the completely different body types on it. :S With page 2, all the fish on that page have compressed body type with homocercal tails.
These set of answers are for the SHARK pictures. I think the fish pages are in-correct. These make much more sense.

1. What type of body shape and tail shape do the fish on the following page have?

Fusiform body shape, heterocercal tail shape


2. Why would their body and tail shape be a good adaptation to where they live?

They are a top predator and need speed to hunt down their prey.


3. What type of body shape and tail shape do the fish on the following page have?

Fusiform body shape, heterocercal tail shape


4. Why would their body and tail shape be a good adaptation to where they live?

Their tail shape gives them maneuverability and their body shape allows them to fit into small places on the reefs.


5. Except for the whale shark, what type of body shape and tail shape do the fish on the following page have?

Depressed body shape and diphycercal tail


6. Why would their body and tail shape be a good adaptation to where they live?

They are timid fish who feed and hide along the bottom.
I didn't think it made sense either which is why I had such a hard time with it.

This is what the assignment on the lesson page looks like:

1. What type of body shape and tail shape do the fish on the following page have?

2. Why would their body and tail shape be a good adaptation to where they live?

3. What type of body shape and tail shape do the fish on the following page have?

4. Why would their body and tail shape be a good adaptation to where they live?

5. Consider their coloration, along with the tail shape and body shape. What role do you think these animals play in the food web?

6. Except for the Whale Shark, what type of body shape and tail shape do the fish on the following page have?

7. Why would their body and tail shape be a good adaptation to where they live?

8. What type of body shape and fin shape does Florida's SALTWATER State Fish have?

9. Pick any seven questions about fish from the following site: Copy and paste each question and then summarize the answer IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Also, briefly explain why you thought each question was interesting.

I'm a cyber school student so this works a bit differently. I was to do those questions, then go to the assignment. This particular one is a worksheet thus me being able to submit it again. What I posted the first time is what's being graded and, since this, what I'm posting now, is the only other thing on the lesson page, I figured it was referring to the questions at the beginning (You should see the similarities.) as well as the links. But, as you can see, not all of the fish look exactly alike. I didn't think the Clown Triggerfish looked anything like the Longnosed Hawkfish. :blink:

Here are the answers I gave the first time:

1. Fusiform body shape, homocercal tail shape
2. They are a top predator and need speed to hunt down their prey.
3. Compressed body shape, homocercal tail shape
4. Their tail shape gives them maneuverability and their body shape allows them to fit into small places on the reefs.
5. Compressed body shape, homocercal tail shape
6. Their tail shape gives them maneuverability and their body shape allows them to fit into small places on the reefs.

All of them were wrong. :no:
As I stated, very poor examples. You should talk to the lecturer/lab tech, whoever has made that questionare. Most questions do not relate to the pictures, covering different species on the same page.

As said previously, check out the shark links. IMO, they are the pictures your sposed to go by. They make sense.

None of the "Why would their body and tail shape be a good adaptation to where they live?" questions make much sense when compared to the fish, they do make sense, and fit when you look at the sharks.

The comment "except for the whale shark" should also make you question the pictures. There is no whale shark in the fish profiles to "exempt" from the question.

Make sense to you Linx? Do you see what im saying? You should speak top someone about it immediately.

EDIT: Ok, Ive looked at your original post, and you have confussed all the links. Some are different to the ones you just posted. I suggest you use googles "define:" function, and some text books, and complete the assignment on your own. Atleast that way you will be learning for yourself aswell.
Ah darn, I did. I used the correct ones for the assignment though. :lol:

The following is the information I was given:

Body shapes

Fusiform - a streamlined shape, good for fast swimming fish.
Compressed - side to side. Good for maneuvering in small places. Slow swimmers.
Attenuated - Elongated shape, good for hiding in holes and crevices.
Depressed - flattened - dorso/ventrally. Found in bottom dwelling fish.

Tail shapes

homocercal - lobe sizes are the same on top and bottom.
top (example a) - good for bursts of speed and maneuverability.
bottom (example b ) - good for sustained high speed swimming.
heterocercal - larger lobe on top. Provides lift for fish without a swim bladder.
diphycercal - elongated, poor for swimming.

I tried looking up some of the fish but I couldn't seem to find just what I was looking for. I then tried looking up the words themselves but gave up after I couldn't find a few of them. Maybe I'll try looking back over the pictures again. If I can't figure it out, I'll have to email my teacher because something still seems off. :/
Are you guys' doin' his/her homework for him/her? ROFLMAO. SH
I could have sworn that I explained the situation adequately but I suppose I haven't. Either that or you failed to actually read into the assignment or any farther than the first few sentences of the first post, something I wouldn't be surprised by as it's rather common-- "Too much of a bother, post count +1". Did you even trouble yourself with looking over the links? If you did, please explain to me how the Clown Triggerfish and the Longnosed Hawkfish have the same body shape when one looks compressed while the other looks fusiform. :sly: If you can't, I'll have to suggest thinking before posting next time. If you can...well, I'll thank you ahead of time. :good:
Hmmm.....Linx....did I miss something in that last post or am I detecting some sarcasm? SH
LOL, I was confused with that last post too... :unsure: So I didnt respond. :huh: Have you got in touch with anyone Linx?

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