Fish Ideas?


Mostly New Member
Apr 6, 2014
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Im getting a 30 gal tank for some smaller fish because they wont last a hour in my 250 gallon tank with oscars, bichirs. So what are some good schooling fish/ community fish tank mates?
Im defenatly already doing to get some tiger barbs and angle fish.

If u could leave pics of your suggestions please.
I wouldn't recommend tiger barbs and angelfish together..barbs are very nippy. Tiger barbs are best in a species only tank.
If you drop them and keep the angel then the other fish you want shouldn't be able to fit in it's mouth, so you'll want deeper bodied schooling fish.
Sterbai cories would be nice for the bottom as they can be kept a little warmer than other cories which suits the angels temperature requirements.
Ok thanks ill drop the tigers. And i had those catfish before in my old 30 gal tank i love them haha!
Also, I would make sure the tank is at least 2 feet tall and 2 1/2 feet long for the angels. The can grow 12 inches from the bottom of the anal fin to the top of the dorsal.
You might consider a school of rummynose.  They're colorful and school well together and grow to a decent size--bigger than neons.   I have 8 of them in my 29 gallon along with 6 neons, 2 bolivan rams, 3 otos and 5 Julii corys. 
best to have one angel in a tank that size or you can go a whole other way away from the angel like a really awesome live plant aquascape with shrimp etc etc :p
yeah an aquascaped tank would be good. with cories and angels and some larger tetra like lemon tetras :D
Angels CAN be kept singly, but they do best in a school of at least 4, which would max out your tank. They are happier and much more active in a school.

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