Fish Get Scared Stiff


New Member
Nov 9, 2011
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I have been keeping fish for a good 15 years or so, and in all those years, I never had a fish get freaked out, dart around as fast as possible, and then remain stiff as if dead. Usually it will float around motionless, only breathing extremely fast, and the color turns extremely pale. I had never see that before, and within the last month, it's happened to 4 fish. They always recover as if nothing happened, but is there something causing this? The water conditions are perfect, and the fish tend to get scared when no one is even near the tank to freak them out. Even though, they end up recovering, its concerning that it's even happening, and I am curious if anyone else has had this happen, and if so, what the cause might be.

Thank you!
Actually turns out, one that freaked out, and prompted this topic has just died about 30 minutes after his freak out. I really don't understand how a tank, with no illness, and perfect water conditions, can have a Gourami only about a year old, that was always swimming around, and eating with a great appetite, can randomly freak out, and then basically die, as if scared himself to death. It's getting concerning since like I said, every time I test the water it reads back as perfect, and the fish are fully healthy.....

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Things that cause such behavior tend to be internal parasites, or ph or temperature shock.
I know its not PH, or Temp shock, since the temp hasn't moved in months... They haven't shown any signs of parasites, and are all eating healthy, including the other ones that freaked out, and it was only that one time. What are things to look out for?

Also, what would you recommend for internal parasites, that is safe for all fish, biological filters, and live plants?

Thank you!
I know its not PH, or Temp shock, since the temp hasn't moved in months... They haven't shown any signs of parasites, and are all eating healthy, including the other ones that freaked out, and it was only that one time. What are things to look out for?

Also, what would you recommend for internal parasites, that is safe for all fish, biological filters, and live plants?

Thank you!
Make sure there are no tankmates that might have scared him, or toxic substances in the water (some kind of spray or air freshener might affect them but not sure), or an electric leaking (although this normally should scare all fish if it was).
Well, there are some fish, that occasionally chase, well, technically there are 2 of the same, but only one will chase others. They have all been together for months now, and the one that chases, is by far the smallest fish in the tank, but I suppose maybe he is scaring them. Is this a case though of literally scaring to death, or more likely causing a stroke or heart attack? The fish that died was eating 2 hours prior, and eating like a pig as he normally would, which is why his death, was just complete shock.
it happens , i had an octocinclus die last night , just started writhing about and dropped dead , checked the water and it was fine , one of them things i suppose ....
Could have been something wrong with its nervous system (like a stroke as you said) or maybe he ate like a pig and it popped something in him...
What are the perfect water stats for this tank, how are you testing them? what's you stock maybe we can work the mystery?
My Skunk Cories do it all the time. I thought this little guy was dead but he is alive and well.


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