Hey folks,
I'm just looking for some advice.
I set up my tank about 6montns ago after doing a fishless cycle. The tank has been great and for a while everything seemed to be doing well.
Then after about three months I started losing fish and this seemed to tie in with after doing a water change. At first I lost gradually the five chain loaches that I introduced, this happened one at a time over about four weeks. I have one left and for some reason he is still going strong!?!
I then lost one of my dwarf neon rainbowfish along with one of my honey gouramis who had been doing really well.
Then the following week lost another rainbowfish after doing a water change and then the week after another honey gourami.
I then bought two more honey gouramis to replace the lost ones and also a pleco for the algae. The week after, my last original honey gouramis died. A few days later my pleco vanished and I know he has also died as haven't seen him now for four days. Then yesterday another honey gourami disappeared (presumably dead) and I think one of my new ones has also disappeared today (presumed dead).
I must say that none of these fish exhibited any kind of illness, infection or fungus on them and I'm normally really good at spotting when a fish is on the way out several days/week before they go.
A couple of the earlier fish I knew were going to eventually die becaus of how they were behaving but the recent ones have been doing really well and then just disappearing (generally hiding somewhere to die).
I can't tell if it's something seriously wrong with my setup or whether they just were weak fish due to breeding/shops etc. All I know now is that I can't keep replacing them at the rate that they're going as it's getting expensive and if this is the way forward then I probably should pack it all up.
All my test readings are always good in that no ammonia or nitrite ever shows up. I do have a highish 30ppm level of nitrate but unfortunately that is already present in my tap water but it doesn't seem to bother the fish in my other tank who have all been there for many months into years.
Can anyone suggest what it could be or shed any light on it? I really love my tank and always work hard to try and keep it running perfectly but these stats really aren't great.
I look forward to reading your comments.
By the way, the fish are all bought from a very reputable shop in North London. I do have a brown algae (diatoms) problem but don't believe that this should cause any real problems.
I'm just looking for some advice.
I set up my tank about 6montns ago after doing a fishless cycle. The tank has been great and for a while everything seemed to be doing well.
Then after about three months I started losing fish and this seemed to tie in with after doing a water change. At first I lost gradually the five chain loaches that I introduced, this happened one at a time over about four weeks. I have one left and for some reason he is still going strong!?!
I then lost one of my dwarf neon rainbowfish along with one of my honey gouramis who had been doing really well.
Then the following week lost another rainbowfish after doing a water change and then the week after another honey gourami.
I then bought two more honey gouramis to replace the lost ones and also a pleco for the algae. The week after, my last original honey gouramis died. A few days later my pleco vanished and I know he has also died as haven't seen him now for four days. Then yesterday another honey gourami disappeared (presumably dead) and I think one of my new ones has also disappeared today (presumed dead).
I must say that none of these fish exhibited any kind of illness, infection or fungus on them and I'm normally really good at spotting when a fish is on the way out several days/week before they go.
A couple of the earlier fish I knew were going to eventually die becaus of how they were behaving but the recent ones have been doing really well and then just disappearing (generally hiding somewhere to die).
I can't tell if it's something seriously wrong with my setup or whether they just were weak fish due to breeding/shops etc. All I know now is that I can't keep replacing them at the rate that they're going as it's getting expensive and if this is the way forward then I probably should pack it all up.
All my test readings are always good in that no ammonia or nitrite ever shows up. I do have a highish 30ppm level of nitrate but unfortunately that is already present in my tap water but it doesn't seem to bother the fish in my other tank who have all been there for many months into years.
Can anyone suggest what it could be or shed any light on it? I really love my tank and always work hard to try and keep it running perfectly but these stats really aren't great.
I look forward to reading your comments.
By the way, the fish are all bought from a very reputable shop in North London. I do have a brown algae (diatoms) problem but don't believe that this should cause any real problems.