Fish Don't Get Fleas


Fish Crazy
Aug 17, 2015
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I'm Amber. Happy to be in this new forum and so far it's been a great help.
I've had small tanks here and there... I started out with the big wigs. Jack Dempsey, Oscars and the like.
Now I have two smaller tanks with smaller fish and snails.
I'm happy to be here.
I have 4 dogs (thus happy that fish don't get fleas ;), 2 crested geckos, 8 fish and about 1384873 baby snails at the moment)
Hi and welcome.
and about 1384873 baby snails at the moment)
I think of snails as free tank cleaners. I hope my Apple snails breed, they are worth around 4 bucks each in LFS.
I've been giving them away and they're still everywhere! I'm about to drop them off at a local fish store who will take them. Some are so tiny though I don't want them to get crushed or lost if I move gravel around. The tank they're in is only a 5 gallon! They have over run it and it's time for them to make their own paths in the world and get out of my house ;)
A lot of snails create more waste than they clean ;)
I'll say this, I've got some clean glass haha. You just can't enjoy anything but the view of infant snails lol
You might want to look at these...they look pretty close.

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