Fish Dies Then When I Hold It Comes Back To Life


Fish Crazy
Oct 3, 2009
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Last week my texus cichlid didnt look too well so i treated the tank with eSHa Hexamita, this didnt do anything so after a few days i treated with anti fungus and finrot treatment by interpet.

The fish were fine for 3 days after taking the treatment, then all of a sudden this morning the fish were all fine, 30 minutes later my silver shark had just died, he was 3 years old and about 8 inches in length. No signs of anything wrong with him, he was just upside down in the tank.

Now i have a convict 4 hours later that started flicking and spiraling then would stop breathing. When i put it in a bucket it carried on, it keeps stopping breathing every half hour or so, then when i hold it it comes back to life and starts breathing. What should i do?

It has like a blood mark on the right hand side under its mouth, but thats it.
Size of tank in gallons.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite,nitrate, and ph.

Never add meds till you know what you are treating for.
Can you list all the symptoms the fish are showing. Before you added the med.

Immediate water change and increase aeration.
Did you overdose the med?
Size of tank in gallons.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite,nitrate, and ph.

Never add meds till you know what you are treating for.
Can you list all the symptoms the fish are showing. Before you added the med.

Immediate water change and increase aeration.
Did you overdose the med?

240L tank

Nitrate 5.0
Nitrite 0
ph 6.8
Ammonia 0.25

I have 2 angel fish, 1 gourami, 1 sterbai corry, 1 flying fox , 1 blackwidow tetra, 2 small tetras and 2 other cichlids.

All the fish got on okay. The angel fish can have a peck at each other but thats it.

The texas cichlid lost its color and was hanging around at the top of the tank. So i treated with esha hexamita using the dosage in the instructions. I did this for 3 days, no signs of improvement. I then dosed with interpet antifungus and finrot as i noticed some white fungus's on a couple of the fish's fins.

3 days went by and everything seemed okay. The texas cichlid died on thursday, which was expected it didnt look well. But just out of the blue the silvershark died. No signs of anything wrong, okay 1 minute, 30 minutes later its dead.

Now the convict cichlid is flicking spiraling up and down then dies and stops breathing. I hold him, and it comes back to life gills starting slowing then breathing as normal.

I did a 50% water change around 1 hour ago.
Immediate water change now. Increase aeration.
Did you add the correct amount of med to the tank. Not overdosed.
Did you remove the esha med with water changes, black carbon. Before adding the interpet med.

Is your ammonia reading 0, or higher.
I just changed the water though ?

I did not remove the esha med no. This was really silly looking back on it.

I did add the correct ammount though
Do any of your fish show these symptoms.,

Red inflamed gills.
Pale gills with excess slime.
Greyish film or patches on fish body, excess slime,
Do any fish dart around the tank, erratic swimning.
Gasping at the top of the tank. Laboued breathing.
Do any of the fish swim in a jerky movement.

Bacterial symptoms.
The red patch on the fish did it look like bleeding beneath the skin.,
Do any fish look pale, or darker in colour.
Any fish acting listless and lethargic.
Do any fish rest on the bottom of the tank, lean to oneside.
Any red patches on body of fish, or red streaking on fins, body.,

You should always remove meds from the tank and run some black carbon for at least 24 hours. Then preform another water change before adding another med.

I would go now and preform another water change. Check tank temp.
The red patch on the fish yes it looks like bleeding beneath the skin. Its on the fish which i keep bringing back to life, should i just let it die? and not keep touching it when it does stop beathing?

All the other fish look really well in the tank now, the ones that had fungus, most of it has now cleared up. Non are listless or lethargic apart from this one that keeps dieing.
Bleeding beneath the skin is septicemia. Hard to cure once it advances.

It not sounding good. I would put him out of his misery. Or just let him
settle, by leaving him alone. turning tank lights out.

Preform another water change later on tonight. As the bacteria from the fish
can enter the tank water and infect other fish throw cuts and wounds.
Also wash your hands when you touched the sick fish.
Bleeding beneath the skin is septicemia. Hard to cure once it advances.

It not sounding good. I would put him out of his misery. Or just let him
settle, by leaving him alone. turning tank lights out.

Preform another water change later on tonight. As the bacteria from the fish
can enter the tank water and infect other fish throw cuts and wounds.
Also wash your hands when you touched the sick fish.

How do fish get Septicemia?
Sorry for your problems danb..
Cause: Septicemia

Systemic bacterial infection caused by various bacteria, including Aeromonas, Pseudomonas and Vibrio. The illness is often brought on by poor water quality or as a result of parasitic infestations or other infections. These bacteria enter the blood stream and circulate through the tissues causing inflammation and damage. Inflamed blood vessels in the skin and at fin bases stand out. Blood vessel and heart tissue damage cause hemorrhaging and consequently leakage of body fluids into the abdomen, which may lead to Dropsy.

Cause: Septicemia

Systemic bacterial infection caused by various bacteria, including Aeromonas, Pseudomonas and Vibrio. The illness is often brought on by poor water quality or as a result of parasitic infestations or other infections. These bacteria enter the blood stream and circulate through the tissues causing inflammation and damage. Inflamed blood vessels in the skin and at fin bases stand out. Blood vessel and heart tissue damage cause hemorrhaging and consequently leakage of body fluids into the abdomen, which may lead to Dropsy.

Thanks for the info.
How is the fish now?
Thank you for the info, i hope it wasn't water quality. I am going to do it religiously weekly now.

I did another water change today.

My convict fish stopped breathing a total of 4 times, he flipped and spiraled before stopping breathing, i had to hold him and each time his gills started to move again. I kept him in the tank in a net overnight. In the morning i thought id let him go, he started to swim about having long breaks, now about 7 hours later he is still swimming round the tank like nothing happened.

I have noticed another red blood area near the tail fin of my gourami though too.

Thank you for all your advice.
That's good news. I thought he wasn't going to make it. He sounded like he was at deaths door.

Once you ran some new black carbon, and done another water change. I would add a bacterial med to the tank.

What bacterial meds do you have?

If you could isolate the sick fish I would say use furanol 2 by JBL.
You need to isolate using the med as it wipes your good bacteria out in you filter.
I have pimafix and thats about it. Which fish should i treat with the furanol, which i cannot seem to get here in the UK. The gourami has some red marks on his tail fin which are new and so does the convict. With the convict only just recovring from yesterday i didnt want to do anything to him too soon. Its remarkable, the convict stopped breathing for a few minutes yesterday and today, completely different.

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