My stock for my 75 gallon is in my sig. I had to move the second tire track eel to the 10 gallon because the older one I had was picking on him and i think my new one is a little sick, fungus or something on his body.
Have kept plecos, snails, gourmias, angel, and multiple catfish with him as well, hes about 12" now and very active. I have sand with him and you dont want anything sharp in the tank, because they cut them selves very easily. Im not gonna give you all he info on them because i assume you researched already lol. Also have some sort of datnoid with him about 4"
Any heating device that has the proper wattage would be fine I assume, and oscars would be fine (kept 2 with it before) and I would assume the discus to, they eat different foods and discus are to large. I wouldnt suggest the tire track eel or a fire eel though because im upgrading them when they get larger. I wouldnt do butterfly fish because they like a calm water top and you want good filtration with BGK and discus if you put them in there. Pleco poop ALOT but yes they work I just have a apple snail with mine right now because i never have algae, but bristle noses would be fine with it, a larger one. Any other info needed just ask.