Fish Crazy
What are good tankmates to keep with firemouth cichlids?
What are good tankmates to keep with firemouth cichlids?
sounds like a load then!Any larger tetras, barbs, rainbow fish, some other cichlids, swordtails and platies. Really depends on the size of the tank and your water parameters.
Oh, and most catfish and loaches. Not to mention the slew of oddballs....
Thx for the feedback!
The tank is a 140L running a big 1200L/h external.
It has a sand substrate, lots of slate and mopani root and some java fern at the moment.
Yesterday Ph was 7.5ish at 25 degrees. (Litmus test! so not very accurate)
I have never kept barbs, but have always been quite tempted.
Some have very cool colourations, will barbs school together in a large group?
I'm not really interested in live bearers, swordtails or rainbow fish.
And I have a good selection of tetra, pleco's and loache's.
So more cichlid's has to be the way forward.
For the bottom of the tank i would like some sort of synodontis catfish or a big pack of Corydoras.
Which of the smaller cichlid's would make suitable tankmates?
6x spanner barbs
6x aurilius barb
Yeah, I wasn't certain the dimensions of the tank, so just threw those in as a possible option.Hate to do this but... these are both pretty big barbs and I think too big and active for this size tank.
6x spanner barbs
6x aurilius barb
But other than that your stock list sounds awesome (as ever)