Finishing Touch To The Aesthetics?


Fish Crazy
Oct 29, 2011
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I'm looking to add a little bit more to the decor of my tank.

I am NOT putting any skulls or treasure chests or anything like that in my tank.

I have normal coloured sand, bogwood, plants and and 2 coconut caves for my Rams, which they spawned on a plant anyway, go figure.

So what else could I use to add a finishing touch?! I'm thinking some large pebbles dotted about the place.

Ideas anyone?
Rams aren't cave spawners mate, they will be more happy laying on a flat surface.

If you could post a picture of your tank that would be very helpful for people wanting to give advice.
yeah stick some pics on here so we can give suggestions as to what to add. otherwise its very hard to say......

do you have a background on the tank? if not i have black on my tanks which looks great and shows the fish colours off great. ive also had a 3d background on 1 of my smaller tanks in the past which looked awesome :hyper:

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