Filtration For A 120 Gallon Aquarium?


New Member
Oct 6, 2013
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I am currently cycling a 120 gallon aquarium that I hope will eventually house a planted community discus tank.  My desires is to have 5 or 6 discus, clown loaches and cardinal tetras.  I have an eheim 228 that has a rated flow rate of 275 gallons per hour.  I like the eheim because it is silent and requires little attention once it is set up.  The last time I had this setup (8 years ago) the eheim wasn't sufficient by itself.  There wasn't enough water movement and the discus had to gulp air from the surface.  I ended up augmenting the eheim with an airstone and finally a large aquaclear hanging filter.  The aquaclear made noise (water trickling), had a bit of an odor and required more maintenance.
My goal is to have a filtration system that is sufficient for this size tank and fish load that provides sufficient aeration and is quiet.  I'm thinking about getting another eheim (used off of ebay) and considering a UV light.
What are my best options?
I have a Fluval FX5 for my 125 gallon which works good.  Looks like they got an FX6 out now...
I have had very good experience with mine over the last 4 years or so.  If I were to get another big tank, I would consider getting the FX6 but I have been wondering about the sump filters.  I don't really know how they work or their advantages.

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