

Fish Fanatic
Jul 19, 2004
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Does anyone know how often you need to change the white polypads in a Juwel internal filter? Mine have gone all green and yucky Do they hold any of the good bacteria on them?

I change the filter floss every week. rise all the others in syphoned tank water every week as well and the bacteria will survive.
You should also change,
The carbon sponge every 6 weeks
The Nitrate sponge every 6 weeks
The Course sponge every 6 months
The Fine sponge every 6 months

HTH :nod:
:lol: Danio you havent fallen for that old tosh have you? The blue foam pads only need to be changed when they are litterally falling to pieces, i have the original media in a juwel Rekord 120 that has been running 5 years. The white floss pad is non biological and can be rinsed under the tap to get it really clean, the same pad can be used for a few months until it falls apart.

Carbon is a matter of choice but is not really nessesary and i have yet to hear of any firm evidence which says the nitrate sponges actually work, i tried one for a while and could see no visable difference when i tested the water, personally i find the space the carbon and nitrate sponge take up is better used to house a extra course blue sponge.
CFC said:
:lol: Danio you havent fallen for that old tosh have you? The blue foam pads only need to be changed when they are litterally falling to pieces, i have the original media in a juwel Rekord 120 that has been running 5 years. The white floss pad is non biological and can be rinsed under the tap to get it really clean, the same pad can be used for a few months until it falls apart.
Hey I have shares in Juwel :lol:
any way I see you point cfc.
as for washing the floss your a scrooge :p

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I replace my white floss weekly when I do my water change.

I havent changed the blue ones yet and its been set up a while now. I am in the process of trying out the green nitrate sponge though. Its been in there a week now and I'm gonna test my water tonight to see if its worked.
there really sis no need to clean your filter every week..

as for the white polypad, i too clean mine now and again and change it maybe once every 6 weeks to two months.
(basically when its past cleaning)
i have ran the same course and fine juwel sponges for years, and i rinse them every couple of months. too much filter maintence is just un nescessery IMO

to the original question.. dont worry...your not going to harm you beneficial bacteria by changing poly pads.

the only one you need to change frequently (if you use it) is carbon. 2 months..(or after heavy use of meds)

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