Feeding Cichlids Earthworms


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2014
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Hi does anyone here have a good idea of how much earthworms can be given to new world cichlids? I know that bloodworms should be fed in moderation because they can cause constipation and such, but what about red wriggler worms? I feed them live or newly chopped up. Below are my cichlids and their current diets:
Adult blue rams: 2x daily staple pellets, 2x weekly earthworms, 1x weekly bloodworms. There's always a veg in the tank for them to nibble on.
Juvenile Severum and geophagus: 3x daily staple pellets, 3x weekly earthworms, 1 weekly bloodworms. They also eat lettuce and are constantly eating my live plants.
And last but most importantly
Baby Electric blue jack Dempsey 1": 2x daily tiny bite sized earthworms 2x daily staple pellets. I feed him more in small amounts to get him growing. I'm wondering if too many earthworms are bad for him though?
I have feed my Africans earthworms once a week and had no problems but it may be different for you so I'd say feed them like you are now and if you want to try more do so if they start to look fat or lazy back off feeding them so often it's kinda something you have to experiment with :)

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