favorite and least favorite things about fish keeping!

I'm pretty new to this hobby but:

Favourite things: Researching and pestering you all on here with my questions (seriously thanks, you are all really helpful and kind), planning a new set up (which I've discovered is very fun), watching aquascape videos (I've just discovered George Farmer and I like watching Green Aqua videos too)

Least Favourite things: Bad advice from the local aquatic shop, seeing poorly fish, feeling helpless when I don't know what's wrong because I'm still learning, wanting to be perfect but finding out its nearly impossible in this hobby...
Favorite things about fish keeping.
Feeding the fish.
Watching baby fish grow from an egg into a full coloured adult.
Collecting fish.

Least favorite things.
Removing dead fish, euthanising fish.
Favourite: keeping fish healthy, having a clean tank to look at, feeding time.

Worst: tank maintenance (got clever plans for that), people that have no clue and don't want to learn.
Favourite: finding all my fish in the tank. I made too many hiding spots for them, I guess they enjoy it, but it’s hard to find all my critters sometimes. Also love the learning and research aspect.
Least favourite: netting out live fish, for example catching fish out of quarantine to add them to a display. I hate doing it, I hate seeing them get stressed out and I hate chasing them around.
Least favorite: the time I wanted to move my pleco to my other tank so he could do algae cleanup duty. He didnt want to be moved and made me remove all the driftwood, plants and my ornaments to allow me to finally catch him.
Favorite: Having all my fish healthy and active and eating voraciously.

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