External Filters


Fish Fanatic
Jul 7, 2011
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Hi guys, was interested in getting an external filter. I have a 100 L tank. I wondered if it would be worth me getting an external filter, if so wat wud u recommend? Budget wud be about 50-60. I have 7 fish currently in my tank. Also I plan on upgrading my tank so wud like a filter that wud allow me to do this and work just aswell.
the only one i have experience of is he all pond solutions 1000ef. its not the best build quality in the world and i did have a problem with it to begin with, but now thats sorted its going lovely and for the price you cant complain.
Thanks for the replies. Do you think it is worth getting an external filter or will internal b enough? I've neva really had any problems with my water. But everyone seems to say that an external is worth having
Tetratec ex700. :good:

Agree with this, minnnt went on about the tetratec externals so much that i bought the ex700 for my 90L just to see why.
The Fluval U3 is a good internal filter but once you go external you'll never go back :lol:
Internals are ok, but they are so bulky. Having an external filter gives you so much more room back in the tank and it opens up the ability to be able to stock a wide range of other filter media. The media area is so much bigger too so it allows you to push your stocking a little should you wish.
Allows you to add other things such as Seachem Purigen and Matrix, extra carbon, zeolite, more sponges, more bio balls, more ceramic rings, more filter floss, peat, alder cones, catappa leaves etc etc.
External filters all the way! You dont have to deal with them so often, they are less fiddley, they dont sit in the tank looking monstrous, you have a LOT more media, especially biomedia that makes the tank a lot more stable. More carbon, more foams etc all adds up to a much cleaner tank!

Not to mention it allows you to add more biomedia or more or less carbon, you can add stuff like Rowaphos if you have algae problems related to high phosphates or silicates. You can add peat to create a blackwater tank or add coral sand to create a really hard water tank.

I would go for (depending on your planned upgrade?!):

AquaManta EFX 200/300
Fluval 206/306
Eheim 2213 can be had for around £50 and it is very good. I bought one for my girlfriends 80L and its silent and creates a lot of current in the tank. I had to reposition the spray bar as it moved all the sand to the other side of the tank lol. but yeah externals are brill loads of room inside for a few extra bits and it keeps the tank spotless.
I'm tempted to say Fluval now :lol:

But no... The TetraTec is dfinately better. Though I still think the AquaManta is an improvement on the TetraTe, designed by same person but a lot more recent and it has got a few good improvements in shape and design of parts and the fact that the AquaMantas dont need a Sealing Ring (O-Ring) round the canister so its one less thing to keep replacing or risk leaking.

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