Ex1200 Overkill?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 12, 2013
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hi all
well went and had a look at a couple of tanks today with my mind set on a fluval roma 125. once there i quickly realised that the external filter inlets on this model are at best, in my opinion, quite poor and would require some modification to the lid in order to get a decent fit. sat next to the fluval was the rio 125, what a difference, ample space for two inlet/outlets at either end with no mods and better lighting.
so i guess a rio 125 it is then?
my question is regarding filtration. i had it in my mind that i was going to go for the tetra ex1200 but am starting to wonder if this is overkill for the size tank and would be better of with the ex700. the tank will be sensibly planted although not heavily and carry a live stock upto the max limit for the size tank. what are your thoughts and opinions people?
Yeh sadly although the Fluval has the nicer stand (if you didnt need that then +1) the Jewel does have a slightly better designed tank. 
I have the Roma 200 and the Filter inlet and return fits on the tank fine, but the airline and power cable for the hood does not fit (without said modification)
The EX700 with 700LPH is fine for a 125L! Also if you have fish that don't like a lot of current, don't get the EX1200!
luckily ive got a nice bespoke oak cabinet for it to sit on so its all about tank design for me hence the rio. im most likely going to be getting a pair og gourimi eventually in a peaceful community so perhaps the ex700 be the better option.
I say the ex1200 is the better option. You can adjust the flow n there is no such thing as over filteration imo. For most planted tanks they say 10x the turnover which for a rio 125 is 1250 so the tetratec is spot on
I have a Roma 90 litre tank with a Tetra Tec EX1200 

The good thing about Tetra Tec Externals is that they have flow output control valves.
So you can easily control what sort of flow you want inside your tank.
I have Threadfin Rainbowfish, they do not like fast flow so I adjust the flow output to about 40% of flow capacity. 
No problems whatsoever, and my water parameters have not shown any fluctuations whatsoever (touch wood!)
No such thing as over filtration IMHO 
Flow output control slowing down the filtration per hour, slowing down efficiency (its not slowing the impeller down).

I agree you cant over filter but save money and energy where not needed

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