Esha 2000 And Snails


Warning - Mad Cory Woman
Oct 24, 2011
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I've just got some of this as I've heard good things about it. I've got the one for Fungus, Finrot and Bacteria. This is to treat my cory female that still has fungus (the meth blue hasn't helped)
Looking at the list of things that this treats I'm considering putting the cory back into the main tank and treating the main tank rather than treating the 30 litre that sh'es currently in. This is because I've got another cory that's had white patches over it's head for months and nothing has helped him and I'm wondering whether this eSHa stuff with help him too. I've also lost a lot of black neons mysteriously and I'm wondering if it might be that they've got neon tetra disease... again this eSHa stuff treats that too.
The problem is my two zebra nerite snails. There is nothing on the box or in the instructions about whether this stuff is safe for snails/inverts. It does say it contains Copper and from memory it's Copper that's not good for snails/inverts
Before I do anything can someone advise please just so I'm certain. 
Thanks in advance

I've also just thought of something else... if meth blue safe for snails?
If I treat the main tank the snails will have to go into the 30 litre and that's been stained now by meth blue. I can give it a scrub but I won't be able to get rid of all of it. The other alternative is I give my snails to my Dad for a few days and they can go into his tank
My experience might not be typical, so see if anyone else replies with something different!
I had a nerite in my betta's tank and the betta's fins started getting ragged. I moved the snail to another tank and treated with eSHa 2000, then ran some carbon in the tank, then put the nerite back. It died. I assume that there was still some medication in the tank, perhaps taken up by the algae which the snail then ate.
Several weeks, and water changes, later I got another nerite and this one was fine. Presumably by then the water changes had removed enough of the medication to make it safe.
thank you essjay, I shall wait as you suggest but given what you've just said I'm worried for my snails. I do love these two nerites and I'd hate to lose them
I think what I did wrong was to put the snail back too soon. If you have another tank to put yours in during treatment, wait a few weeks before putting them back. I always move my nerites if I need to medicate but I usually wait longer than I did this time. A mistake I won't make again.
yeah, I'd probably make sure I'd done a large water change or two first
For anyone interested the ingredients of Esha 2000:

6.3 mg ethacridine lactate (Rivanol)
1 mg proflavin
3.2 mg copper 2+
0.26 mg methyl orange
do you have any experience of it Ch4rlie?
I'm just wary of something new. I am 100% certain it will need to be kept away from my snail after essjay's reply but now I am concerned about re-adding the snails after treatment after essjay's reply.
No, have never used it, mainly due to the fact it contains copper and I have snails and shrimps in both my tanks :/
But I have heard good things about this Esha 2000, perhaps a much smaller dose may be ok to use with shrimps and snails but I do not know for certain.
I think after a few water changes and a couple weeks after dosages and using carbon, shrimps and snails should be ok to return to tanks.
I'm wondering whether to leave the main tank alone and just treat the cory in the 30 litre. As for the other cory .. well I could try catching it and adding it in to the 30 litre. I'm just so worried about my snails
hmm okay ... so today I decided to move the cory and the tetra back to the main tank, clean the 30 litre well and set it up ready for the snails to go in so I can dose the main tank with this esha stuff.
When I got a clear view on the cory the furry stuff looked to be falling off in chunks - some of it was floating around in the current and she kept flicking her tail like she was trying to knock it off.
I got some tank water into a bucket and netted them both in and the rest of the furry 'scab' fell off when I netted her. I got some water from my main tank in a jug and moved both fish from the bucket (that had the meth blue stained water in - I didn't want that in my main tank) into the jug then lowered them slowly back into the main tank.
The lights have just come on in the main tank and the cory is sat near by and her wound looks to be healed, or at least healing well. What do we think? Hang fire with the esha? I'm wondering if the meth blue has actually done more than I thought it had. It actually looks like the furry stuff was the human equivilent of a scab and now the scab has dropped off and left new skin underneath
I know this is an old post, but I've just recently treat my tank with the esha 2000.

I have a few snails, some red ramshorns, tadpoles and a couple of the giant colombian ramshorns and all are still live and well after a three day course of esha.
I know this is an old post, but I've just recently treat my tank with the esha 2000.

I have a few snails, some red ramshorns, tadpoles and a couple of the giant colombian ramshorns and all are still live and well after a three day course of esha.
Glad I’ve found this. About to start eSha 2000 myself and have 2 Nerrites and 2 Bamboo shrimps. I don’t have suitable QT tank so fingers crossed they will survive.

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