English Slang

Everyone all tickety-boo?
Aye...right chuffed with the weather but its left me a bit knackered! Hubby is throwing a wobbly though coz I drank his last bevvy so I've legged it upstairs, can't be arsed with it so he'll have to crack on while I wander around starkers for a while to cool off....
Aye...right chuffed with the weather but its left me a bit knackered! Hubby is throwing a wobbly though coz I drank his last bevvy so I've legged it upstairs, can't be arsed with it so he'll have to crack on while I wander around starkers for a while to cool off....
I have no idea what you just typed....
I like the word "whilst"....I've been saying it alot around the house lately, instead of "while"

Mrs. Slap doesn't seem amused....
You walking around with a giant white wig and a powdered face too? Just to complete the setup, innit, guvnah?
You walking around with a giant white wig and a powdered face too? Just to complete the setup, innit, guvnah?
LOL....more like a giant white head....I shave it...I DO have a fake mole in a drawer around here somewhere, though...
Aye...right chuffed with the weather but its left me a bit knackered! Hubby is throwing a wobbly though coz I drank his last bevvy so I've legged it upstairs, can't be arsed with it so he'll have to crack on while I wander around starkers for a while to cool off....
Yeah....I ain't got no apples & pears here like, but the currant bun is making me bread & cheesy, know what I mean, like?

Oh for some Mork and Mindy weather.....then a nice ball and chalk to the local battlecruiser and get meself all brahms and liszt ;)

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